Principal investigator: Jiří Chudoba
Project partners: Czech Technical University in Prague and Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS
Title: CERN Computing
Operational programme: Research, Development and Education
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Project number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001404
Time period : 1/5/2017 - 31/10/2019
Amount: 18 995 440.00 CZK
In general, almost all CERN experiments acquire huge amount of data. In particular, requirements of big LHC experiments are highly above capacity of local computing center. Decision about distributed data processing was made while LHC accelerator and its detectors were still under construction. Hierarchical structure of computing centers was built and connected using a new type of software, so called Grid middleware. This solution allows users to access hundreds of thousands processors located around the world the same way they would use a local cluster. Techniques are constantly evolving. Cloud interfaces, distributed computing using BOINC or utilization of supercomputers are added to available techniques. This project will ensure partial hardware replacement in existing computing center, installation and operation of new servers. The goal is to cover the computing capacity requirements of the ALICE and ATLAS experiments as much as possible. Alongside, we will test new solutions to cover missing capacity from external sources. To achieve more efficient resource utilization, we will improve monitoring and user support.
This project is co-financed by EU.
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