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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 1/2010, Number 2






  • Aleš Mudra (National Heritage Institute, Prague), Statues of the Founders in Kastl Abbey – Representation of Czech Authorities in the Upper Palatinate (1355–1373)?
  • František Šmahel (Centre for Medieval studies, Prague), Who Delivered the Eulogy at the Funeral of Emperor Charles IV?
  • Lucie Doležalová (Charles University, Prague), Fugere artem memorativam? The Art of Memory in 15th c. Bohemia and Moravia (A Peliminary Survey)
  • Kathrin Utz Tremp (State Archive, Freiburg, Suisse), From Heresy to Witchcraft: the Fribourg Laboratory


> english abstracts


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