Lecture "Displaying and micromanipulation in an unusual ways"

On 10.7.-14.7.2017 Dr. David Phillips visited our institute.
David Phillips worked for two years as a scientist at Bristol University after he received his Ph.D. in 2011 there. From 2013 to 2016 he worked at the University of Glasgow under the leadership of a professor Miles Padgett.
In 2016 he was awarded by prestigious fellowship of Royal Academy of Engineering. In 2017 he joined the University in Exeter as a lecturer. David Phillips is also one of the world-renowned partners of Gate2u projects.
David Phillips kindly gave a lecture: Displaying and micromanipulation in an unusual ways. The lecture was attended by more than twenty people and afterwards a very interesting discussion with our scientists followed. It highligted research paths and paved a way new outcomes.

Phillips  Phillips

