Lecture "High-resolution microscopy using an image inversion interferometer"

On 18.7.-20.7. 2017 Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann visited our institute
Rainer Heintzmann graduated the physics in Osnabrück and his PhD in Heidelberg.
He worked then at the universities in Göttingen and King's College in London. Rainer Heintzmann is now head of department of Leibniz's Institute of Photonic technology and also a professor at Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena. Rainer Henitzman is a scientific pioneer of new displaying methods for applications in the biology and a medicine.
Rainer Heintzmann visited our laboratories, he met scientists working on a similar topic and he gave lecture “High-resolution microscopy using an image inversion interferometer” that was visited by more than 30 scientists.
After the lecture, a fruitfull discussion with the scientists took place.

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