Significant projects
Application Laboratories of Advanced Microtechnologies and Nanotechnologies
The aim of ALISI is to build and run a modernly equipped research center that achieves the applicable research and development results, bringing the technological level of local research and development in the areas of the world elite. The existence of the Center is a new impetus for expanding cooperation with domestic and foreign industrial partners, universities, health institutes and research institutions. More information:
ALISI - Advanced Diagnostic Methods and Technologies Center - NPU
The "ALISI - Advanced Diagnostic Methods and Technologies" project is supported by the National Program of Sustainability I-NPU I (LO), which aims to support research, experimental development and innovation from public funds.
The Laboratory of Preclinical Magnetic Resonance in its present form was established as part of the Applied Laboratory for Microtechnology and Nanotechnology of the Institute of Instrumentation (ALISI) in 2012 as a continuation of the tradition of the Institute in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance dating back to the 1950s. Its main mission is to provide support to other academic institutions and industrial companies in their basic research and development of more efficient treatments or diagnostic markers by means of magnetic resonance measurements of small animals, plants, tissues or materials. Application needs and client feedback provide important incentives for proprietary research and development of measurement techniques available in the laboratory performed by members of the laboratory team within the framework of their membership of the CTU Magnetic Resonance Research Group. Access to laboratory services is supported by its integration into the Czech-BioImaging and Euro-BioImaging networks, which are involved in traffic financing and provide expert feedback pushing for high quality service. More information at
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Laser length sensors for diagnostics of geometric dimensions and surface defects in precision engineering
The new generation of super precision digital automated machines in the automotive industry enables the machining of precision machining products up to the nanometer range.
However, to ensure the highest degree of reliability, this accurate production requires a 100% accuracy check.
The aim of the project is to research and develop unique optical methods that allow automated production lines to measure the geometric dimensions of engineering products with a resolution approaching the nanometer boundary.
Financial support from the European Union is provided for the operation.
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High - tech detection systems for electron microscopy
This is a project from the OP Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Innovation 2014-2020, the priority axis of the Operational Program PO-1 "Development of Research and Development for Innovations", the name of the support program Application, challenge I.
High-tech high-tech scintillation and scintillation ionization detectors of scanning electrons for scanning and environmental scanning electron microscopes will be tested and developed using mathematical-physics modeling and Monte Carlo simulations and the sharing of cutting-edge technologies and know-how. The results of the project, characterized by high technological level and high added value, build on experience and efficient academic and corporate cooperation and are designed for the global market.
Financial support from the European Union is provided for the operation.
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Advanced technology for non-invasive cardiac electromechanical diagnostics - VDI monitor
The project includes industrial research and experimental development of new medical technology designed for non-invasive diagnostics of cardiac electro-mechanical disorders.
The output of the project is the original Ventricular Dyssynchrony Imaging (VDI) device using ultra-high frequency ECG recording.
VDI is primarily designed for the diagnosis of heart failure and serious heart disease. Completely new VDI technology can be a major breakthrough in the diagnosis of heart disease.
Financial support from the European Union is provided for the operation.
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Application of advanced interferometric methods for measuring surfaces in optical production
This is a project from the OP Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Innovation 2014-2020, the priority axis of the Operational Program PO-1 "Development of Research and Development for Innovations", the name of the support program Application, challenge I.
The project will focus on the implementation of advanced interferometric methods for measurement in optical production. In its implementation, industrial research, experimental development will be carried out, including testing of interferometric devices for two types of measurements in the optical manufacturing process. Emphasis will also be put on the research and development of methods eliminating the impact of environmental conditions on interferometric measurements on an existing interferometric device.
Financial support from the European Union is provided for the operation.
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Calibration of optical sensor systems and special sensors for nuclear power plants
The project is focused on the research of internal and external laser calibration of the system for monitoring the state of finished civil engineering works.
The pilot system with internal and external calibration module will be applied in the system for measuring the shape changes of the Temelín NPP containment.
Internal references in the system will allow it to function continuously even if the system is disconnected from external sources. External will allow for periodic remote calibration, which will be directly related to the baseline normals.
Financial support from the European Union is provided for the operation.
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Holographic endoscopy for in vivo applications
This is a project from the OP Research, Development and Training, call Support excellent research teams in priority axis 1 OP - Strengthening the capacity for quality research.
The project will bring together an international team of experts from a variety of scientific fields, who will develop endoscopic probes with the thickness of a human hair, allowing super-resolved observations and further contemporary qualities of the most advanced imaging approaches. The developed technology will provide a unique insight into living awake and motile animal models and ultimately human organs.
Financial support from the European Union is provided for the operation.