Katarzyna Retzer's picture

Dr.rer.nat. Katarzyna Retzer, Ph.D.

Email: retzer@ueb.cas.cz
Tel.: +420 225 106 435

Rozvojová 263, 165 02 Praha 6 - Lysolaje, Česká republika
Room number: 210


Katarzyna Retzer EN


Due to my dual education, as a chemist and geneticist, I am highly interested in the changes of molecular functionality and interactions upon external stimuli, working with Arabidopsis thaliana as my favorite model organism. During my diploma thesis I worked on the signal transduction from the cell surface into the cell via the MAPKs. During my PhD I focused on the response and transduction of root gravitropic stimulus by modulating the amount of PIN2, an auxin efflux carrier.
