
Mgr. Eva Hajdinová, Ph.D.

  • +420 234 612 415

Curriculum Vitae


june 2013: Ph.D.,  Faculty of Art, Charles University Prague

2006-2013: Doctoral studies, History, Charles University Prague

2005: MA. History, Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, DEUG, France

2003: BA. History and History of Art, Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, France

1999–2000: 1st year of MA Degree in Teaching of History and French, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Faculty of Education


Research Interests:

Social and Cultural European History (religion identities and social disciplining process) 16th – 20th centuries

Czech and French cultural and diplomatic relations of the Interwar period

Commemorative culture, State Holidays of the First Czechoslovak Republic.


Research Projects since 2010:

2014 “Construction National Identity: Czechoslovak State Holidays in the interwar period” research project of Masaryk Institute and Faculty of Art at Charles University Prague: GA ČR, č. 14-12289S

2009–2014 “Edvard Beneš, Germans a Germany (1914-1938)”, research project of Masaryk Institute: GA ČR č. P410/10/1273

2008–2014 collaboration for the implementation of the TEMA Erasmus Mundus Master  program: European territories: Civilization, Nation, Region and City, Faculty of Art, Charles University (FF UK), EHESS Paris, ELTE Budapešť, Univerzita Catania


Teaching Practice since 2010:

2014 course Social and Mental World of the First Modernity, Institute of World History – (FF UK)

2008–2013 course Society and Culture of East-Central and South-Eastern Europe (FF UK)

2009–2011 participation to collective lecture Culture identities in Early Modern Europe (FF UK)


Foreign Scholarships, Fellowships and Research Stays  since 2010:

1/2015 – 6/2015 Research fellow-Leibniz Institut for Europaïsche Geschichte, post-doctoral Scholarship, Mainz, Germany

5/2012 – 7/2012 Visiting fellow laboratoire CRISES, Montpellier, France (Bourse de mobilité du gouvernement français)

4/2011 – 6/2011 Research stay – Universität Leipzig, Germany


Most Important Publications since 2010:


Co-authored Books

KLUSÁKOVÁ, Luďa – MOLL, Martin – IRA, Jaroslav – LARGUÈCHE, Aladin – KALIVODOVÁ, Eva – SARGENT, Andrew (eds.). Crossing Frontiers, Resisting Identities, Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2011.



HÁJKOVÁ, Dagmar – KALIVODOVÁ, Eva (eds.),  Deníky Edvarda a Hany Benešových v období první světové války (1915-1918), Lidové Noviny, edice Ego, Praha 2013.


Book Chapters

KALIVODOVÁ, Eva: From the “Young Czech Student Working For the Freedom of his Country” to a Great Diplomat: Beneš’s Image During the First Word War in France, in Edvard Beneš: Vorbild und Feindbild, Politische, historiographische und mediale Deutungen, ed. Ota Kondrád – René Küpper (Collegium Carolinum München 2013, pp. 15–35).