Summer hours in the Library
14.06.2017Library of the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague will be closed for public on July, 7th and between July, 17th and August, 14th.
new publication

I. Boháčová – M. Šmolíková (eds.): Praha archeologická. Archaeologica Pragensia – Supplementum 3
Newly appointed director of the Institute

On June 1st, 2017, the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc. appointed the new director of the Institute of Archaeology in Prague – Mgr. Jan Mařík, Ph.D., who took the five-year post from Doc. PhDr. Luboš Jiráň, CSc.
new publication

H. Březinová – D. Kohout a kol.: Středověké textilní a barvířské technologie. Soubor textilních fragmentů z odpadních vrstev z Nového Města pražského. Medieval textile and dyeing technologies. Collection of textile fragments from refuse layers of Prague’s New Town