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On 17 July 2017 Dr. Stefan Rotter, Institute for Theoretical Physics Vienna, University of Technology, gave a public lecture in the lecture hall of ISI CAS entitled "Mesoscopic scattering meets wave control’’. The lecture was realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue
31.7.2017 - Complex photonics
On 19 July 2017 Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, gave a public lecture entitled „High-resolution microscopy using an image inversion interferometer“ in the lecture hall of ISI CAS. The lecture was realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue
31.7.2017 - Complex photonics
On 11 July 2017 David Phillips gave a public lecture in the lecture hall of ISI CAS. The lecture was realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue
18.7.2017 - Complex photonics