Chaloupková, Jana, Petra Šalamounová. 2006. „Postoje k imigrantům a dopadům migrace v evropských zemích.“ Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 42 (1): 57-80. ISSN 0038-0288.
The article focuses on a comparison of attitudes towards migration in twenty European countries. It analyses data from the European Social Survey 2002. The first part of article contains a brief outline of current state of migration in Europe and a summary of the available sources of data on migration. The second part examines the host population’s willingness to accept immigrants, perception of the impact of immigration on the host country and the attitudes towards different forms of integration of immigrants. The article looks at the question of whether attitudes towards immigration in European countries are related to the number and structure of immigrants in a country and its economic situation.
migration and mobility