Intranet Čeština


14.8. 2017

Obituary RNDr. Tomáš Soukup, CSc.

S lítostí oznamujeme akademické obci, že nás opustil náš kolega a kamarád RNDr. Tomáš Soukup, CSc. Doktor Soukup byl v dlouhodobém kritickém stavu po tragické dopravní nehodě a…

25.7. 2017

President of the CAS visited Institute of Physiology

V úterý 27. června předsedkyně Akademie věd ČR, profesorka Eva Zažímalová, spolu s místopředsedou Akademie pro oblast věd o živé přírodě a chemických věd, doktorem Zdeňkem Havlasem, navštívili…

13.6. 2017

IPHYS stand at the Science Fair 2017

Institute of Physiology CAS participated in the Science Fair in PVA Leňany.              

19.5. 2017

The Centre for Preclinical Testing (CPT) commenced activities

After obtaining the certificate of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in January 2017, the Centre for Preclinical Testing (CPT) commenced activities with the support of the Czech Academy of Science (CAS)…

Events calendar

11.9 2017 15:00

LECTURE - RNDr. Hana Sychrová, DrSc.

Department of Membrane Transport. IPHYS lecture hall

18.9 2017 15:00

LECTURE - MUDr. Jiří Paleček, CSc.

Department of Functional Morphology. IPHYS lecture hall.

25.9 2017 15:00

LECTURE - doc. PharmDr. Martin Štěrba, Ph.D.

Farmaceutická fakulta UK, Hradec Králové. IPHYS lecture hall.

2.10 2017 15:00

Bureš lecture "Towards the mysteries of sleep: Forward genetic analysis of sleep behavior in mice"

Speaker: Masashi Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D., International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), University of Tsukuba, Japan. Lecture hall.

4.10 2017 09:00

Fifteenth International Conference on Endothelin

Conference organized under the auspices of IPHYS. More:

9.10 2017 15:00

LECTURE - prof. RNDr. Jiří Pácha, DrSc.

Department of Epithelial Physiology. IPHYS lecture hall.

23.10 2017 09:00

Bilateral seminar Nencki Institut and IPHYS

About us

Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Institute of Physiology of the CAS (IPHYS) is the Czech leading research institution in the field of normal and pathological physiology.


The academic and educational endeavours of its experts aim to enhance the fundamental knowledge on metabolism and heart and brain function, thus paving the way to novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures required to tackle serious medical conditions in humans.


More about us