Malakozoologický průzkum moravského hradu Lukov a jeho okolí z let 2003-2004 navázal na práci V. Hudce z r. 1953 a umožnil srovnat výskyt měkkýšů na této lokalitě po 50 letech. V r. 1953 bylo nalezeno 26 druhů, v letech 2003-2004 až 33 druhů, ale 3 druhy po 50 letech díky úpravám hradu pravděpodobně naopak vymizely.

A malocozoological survey in Lukov Castle and its surroundings (Moravia) carried out in 2003-2004 followed up a the study made by V. Hudec in 1953 and allows us to compare the occurrence of molluscs at the site 50 years on. In 1953, 26 species were found while in 2003-2004 there were as many as 33 species. On the other hand, three species of these invertebrates have disappeared since 1953, probably due to building activities in the castle.