Nanoparticle-doped soft-glass optical fibers for fiber-lasers

Sponsor: MŠMT

Principal investigator: Jan Mrázek, Ph.D.

Members: Soňa Vytykáčová, MSc., Michal Kamrádek, MSc., Ivan Kašík, Ph.D.

From: 2016-01-01

To: 2017-12-31

The main results of the project will be a novel class of soft-glass optical fibers doped with Ho-doped yttrium aluminium garnet nanoparticles. The fibers should appear improved optical and luminescence properties comparing to the YAG-doped silica optical fibers. Prepared fibers will be tested as an active medium in fiber-ring lasers emitting at 2.1m. Laser characteristics and properties will be evaluated, increased laser power and improved laser efficiency is expected.
The results will bring fundamental information about chemical reactions and stability of investigated nanoparticles inside selected glass systems. Fundamental relationships between the structural and optical properties of prepared nanomaterials will be evaluated.

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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