Logic of Change, Change of Logic


Wednesday 10 September

09:00 10:00 registration
10:00 10:20 opening
10:20 11:20 Makinson Some Design Options for Formal Systems of Cognitive Change
11:20 12:00 de Boer, Weydert Changing Attitudes about Attitude Change

12:00 14:00 lunch

14:00 14:40 Hill The Algebra of Belief Change
14:40 15:20
Vilks Kripke's Wittgenstein, Rules, and Rationality

15:20 15:40 coffee break

15:40 16:20
Peliš, Majer The Logic of Questions from the Viewpoint of Dynamic Epistemic Logic 16:20 17:00 Genot The Game of Inquiry: Selection Functions, Bayesian Update, and Other
11:20 12:00 Strategies

Thursday 11 September

09:00 10:00 Hansson Can Perference Change Be Modelled after Belief Change?
10:00 10:40 Pigozzi, van der Torre From Belief Change to Norm Change

10:40 11:00 coffee break

11:00 11:40 Dietrich A Model of Individual Change
11:40 12:20 Heilmann
Preference Change in a Multiple-Self

12:20 14:30 lunch

14:30 15:30 Bradley Forming a Preference: Incompleteness, Omniscience and Deliberation

15:30 15:50 coffee break

15:50 16:30 Etlin On the Alignment of Belief and Desire
16:30 17:10 Roy Dynamic Logic for Intentions in Games

Friday 12 September

09:00 10:00 Rott Defending the Ramsey Test for the Interpretation of Conditionals:
09:00 10:00 A Constructive Approach

10:00 10:40 Herzig, Lorini Static and Dynamic Aspects of Knowledge about Powers

10:40 11:00 coffee break

11:00 11:40 Childers Degrees, Changes and Theories of Belief
11:40 12:20 Kim Sleeping Beauty and Shifted Jeffrey Conditionalization

12:40 19:00 lunch & free afternoon

Saturday 13 September

09:00 09:40 van Benthem, Dégremont Building Bridges between Dynamic and Temporal
11:20 12:00 Belief Revision

09:40 10:20
Cheng Temporal Relevant Logic Approach to Reasoning about Epistemic Processes

10:20 10:40 coffee break

10:40 11:20 Walliser, Vergnaud, Billot Multi Player Belief Revision and Accuracy Orders
11:20 12:00
Georgatos Revision Using Indistinguishability

12:00 14:00 lunch

14:00 15:00
Baltag Models of Change, Change of Models:
09:00 10:00 Reasoning about the Social Dynamics of "Information"

15:00 15:20 coffee break

15:20 16:00 Schang, Moretti Belief Revisions from an Algebraic Perspective:
11:20 12:00 A Four-valued Dynamic Doxastic Logic and Its Applications within n-valuation

16:00 16:40
Brössel Theory Assessment and Coherence

19:00 banquet

Sunday 14 September

09:30 10:30 van Ditmarsch On Knowledge, Knowability, and Ability
10:30 11:10
de Boer, Herzig, de Lima, Lorini What Do We Accept after an Annoucement?

11:10 11:30 coffee break

11:30 12:10 Aucher Refinement on the Notion of Event
12:10 12:50 Smets Dynamic Conditionals as a Unifying Setting for Information Change:
09:00 10:00 From Quantum Logic to Dynamic Belief Revision

12:50 closing


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