Our research group focuses on the role of mitochondria in physiological and pathophysiological processes of the cell and organism. Mitochondria are the main source of cellular energy, ATP, which is essential for maintaining vital cell functions. Additionally, mitochondrial metabolism also leads to the production of oxygen radicals, reactive molecules that have a negative impact on the cell functioning, i.e. irreversible damage of cellular proteins, lipids and DNA (both mitochondrial and nuclear). Such prolonged oxidative stress in extreme cases leads to cell death. Chronic, albeit relatively moderate oxidative stress accompanies number of pathophysiological disorders including neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease), but for example also type 2 diabetes and pulmonary hypertension, the etiology of which we study in our laboratory. In case of irreversible damage mitochondria must be removed by specific pathway of autophagy, called mitophagy. This process is crucial for mitochondrial quality control process, disruption of which is accompanied by a number of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, which is where we study the mitophagy. Moreover, mitochondria are semiautonomous organelles for they have mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Genetic manipulation of the mtDNA is rather complicated and yet there has not been found satisfactory method which would allow us for e.g. gene silencing or in-situ quantification of genetic mutations in mtDNA. The development of such techniques is one of out goals. Since mitochondria are rather small organelles and resolution of commonly available light and fluorescence microscopy is not sufficient to study certain aspects of their morphology, we employ special super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. The prototype of such microscope we have recently purchased for our department. We develop further methodologies of “nanoscopy” to study mitochondrial morphology and function. Finally, we study the role of mitochondrial signaling in cancer cells and cancer-specific enzymatic pathways, study of which could be essential for the development of future anticancer drugs.
Concerning applied research, we also develop novel drug carriers to transport specific anticancer drugs called photosensitizers into cancer tissues. Our findings have been patented in Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic.
Rohlenová, Kateřina - Sachaphibulkij, K. - Stursa, J. - Bezawork-Geleta, A. - Blecha, Jan - Endaya, B. - Werner, L. - Černý, Jiří - Zobalová, Renata - Goodwin, J. - Špaček, Tomáš - Pesdar, E.A. - Yan, B. - Nguyen, M.N. - Vondrusová, Magdaléna - Sobol, Margaryta - Ježek, Petr - Hozák, Pavel - Truksa, Jaroslav - Rohlena, Jakub - Dong, L.F. - Neužil, Jiří
Selective Disruption of Respiratory Supercomplexes as a New Strategy to Suppress Her2(high) Breast Cancer
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2017, roč. 26, 2, p. 84-103
IF = 6.337
Alán, Lukáš - Špaček, Tomáš - Pajuelo-Reguera, David - Jabůrek, Martin - Ježek, Petr
Mitochondrial nucleoid clusters protect newly synthesized mtDNA during Doxorubicin- and Ethidium Bromide-induced mitochondrial stress
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2016, roč. 302, Jul 1, p. 31-40
IF = 3.791
Zelenka, J. - Dvořák, Aleš - Alán, Lukáš - Zadinová, M. - Haluzík, M. - Vítek, L.
Hyperbilirubinemia Protects against Aging-Associated Inflammation and Metabolic Deterioration
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2016, roč. 2016, 2016, článku 6190609
IF = 4.593
Bartůněk, V. - Rak, J. - Pelánková, B. - Junková, J. - Mezlíková, M. - Král, V. - Kuchař, M. - Engstová, Hana - Ježek, Petr - Šmucler, R.
Large scale preparation of up-converting YF3:YbEr nanocrystals with various sizes by solvothermal syntheses using ionic liquid bmimCl
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. 2016, roč. 188, Aug, p. 14-17
IF = 2.101
Plecitá-Hlavatá, Lydie - Ježek, Petr
Integration of superoxide formation and cristae morphology for mitochondrial redox signaling
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2016, roč. 80, Nov, p. 31-50
IF = 3.505
Plecitá-Hlavatá, Lydie - Engstová, Hana - Alán, Lukáš - Špaček, Tomáš - Dlasková, Andrea - Smolková, Katarína - Špačková, Jitka - Tauber, Jan - Strádalová, Vendula - Malínský, Jan - Lessard, M. - Bewersdorf, J. - Ježek, Petr
Hypoxic HepG2 cell adaptation decreases ATP synthase dimers and ATP production in inflated cristae by mitofilin down-regulation concomitant to MICOS clustering
FASEB Journal. 2016, roč. 30, 5, p. 1941-1957
IF = 5.498
Alán, Lukáš - Špaček, Tomáš - Ježek, Petr
Delaunay algorithm and principal component analysis for 3D visualization of mitochondrial DNA nucleoids by Biplane FPALM/dSTORM
European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters. 2016, roč. 45, 5, p. 443-461
IF = 1.472
Li, M. - Riddle, S. - Zhang, H. - D´Alessandro, A. - Flockton, A. - Serkova, N. J. - Hansen, K. C. - Moldvan, R. - McKeon, B. A. - Frid, M. - Kumar, S. - Li, H. - Liu, H. - Canovas, A. - Medrano, J. F. - Thomas, M. G. - Iloska, D. - Plecitá-Hlavatá, Lydie - Ježek, Petr - Pullamsetti, S. - Fini, M. A. - El Kasmi, K. C. - Zhang, Q. H. - Stenmark, K. R.
Metabolic Reprogramming Regulates the Proliferative and Inflammatory Phenotype of Adventitial Fibroblasts in Pulmonary Hypertension Through the Transcriptional Corepressor C-Terminal Binding Protein-1
Circulation. 2016, roč. 134, 15, p. 1105-1121
IF = 19.309
Plecitá-Hlavatá, Lydie - Tauber, Jan - Li, M. - Zhang, H. - Flockton, A. R. - Pullamsetti, S. S. - Chelladurai, P. - D´Allessandro, A. - El Kasmi, K. C. - Ježek, Petr - Stenmark, K. R.
Constitutive Reprogramming of Fibroblast Mitochondrial Metabolism in Pulmonary Hypertension
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2016, roč. 55, 1, p. 47-57
IF = 4.100
Kostiv, Uliana - Kotelnikov, Ilya - Proks, Vladimír - Šlouf, Miroslav - Kučka, Jan - Engstová, Hana - Ježek, Petr - Horák, Daniel
RGDS- and TAT-conjugated upconversion of NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+&SiO2 nanoparticles: in vitro human epithelioid cervix carcinoma cellular uptake, imaging, and targeting
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016, roč. 8, 31, p. 20422-20431
IF = 7.504
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