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1 May 10 - 5 May 20
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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Pondělí, 18.09.2017 15:00 - 16:30

Pavel Jelínek (Fyzikální ústav AVČR)

We will present recent achievements accomplished in Nanosurf Lab. First, we will employ high-resolution AFM/STM imaging to demonstrate chirality transfer during onsurface chemical reactions. Second, we will show presence of piezoelectric effect on single helical molecules on surfaces. Finally, we will report for first time a controlled single electron transfer within a single molecule between different redox states.

Úterý, 19.09.2017 15:00 - 16:00

Banhi Chatterjee (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland)

Abstract: The talk presents theoretical and numerical studies on electronic screening and Friedel oscillations (FO) in correlated fermionic systems in the presence of external inhomogeneity. These spatial oscillations in the electronic densities appear in metals at low temperature in the neighborhood of the impurity due to quantum scattering from the impurity. FO in the Fermi liquid phase, Mott insulating phase, and at the Mott metal to insulator transition are studied in one-, two-, and three-dimensional lattice models.

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