Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

extreme light infrastructure New lasers for industry and research
Experimental Facilities in Physics and Material Science & Engineering Centre for innovation and technology transfer


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Fyzikální Ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (FZU; in English: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) is a public research institute, oriented on the fundamental and applied research in physics. The founder of the institute is The Czech Academy of Sciences.

The present research programme of the Institute comprises five branches of physics: particle physics, the physics of condensed matter, solid state physics, optics and plasma physics. It also corresponds to the way how the institute is divided into major research divisions.

More about the research activities ...

Saturday, 24.03.2012

One of the basic features of any material is its ability to conduct an electrical current. Although the electrical conductivity varies with temperature, for most materials the division between metals and insulators is given by their chemical composition and crystallographic structure. There are, however, compounds which can be converted from a metal to an insulator and vice versa by a small variation of external parameters such as pressure or temperature.

Friday, 02.03.2012

Unique combination of plasma temperature and density has been achieved with X-ray free-electron laser

In the first February issue of Nature, a Letter [1] appeared attracting an attention of specialists in areas of high-energy-density physics, laboratory astrophysics, inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and plasma physics. An international team of researchers headed by young Oxford physicist Sam Vinko created a unique state of matter by isochorically heating a thin aluminium foil using a tightly focused X-ray beam produced by the LCLS (Linac Coherent Light Source) free-electron laser in California.

Tuesday, 13.09.2011, Antonín Fejfar

The results of long term research of silicon thin films achieved in the Institute of Physics have been recognized by invitation of RNDr. Jan Kočka, DrSc., head of the Department of Thin Films and Nanostructures of the Institute of Physics, to deliver the plenary “Mott lecture” at the 24th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (www.icans24.org).

Wednesday, 06.07.2011

Academy Council took up proposals of Academy prizes and honorary medals on its 30th meeting on June 7, 2011. Academy Council recommended to the President of the Academy of Sciences of CR, upon proposal of the Institute of Physics, to award the Mach Medal for merits in physical sciences to Professor Dieter Vollhardt from the University of Augsburg who has been collaborated with Prof. V. Janiš and Dr. J. Kuneš from the Institute of Physics in the field of condensed matter theory. The award ceremony took place in the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences on June 8.

Friday, 24.06.2011

On June 20th, 2011, Josef Hlavka Prize was awarded to Prof. Dr. Ivan Pelant from the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and to associate Prof. Dr. Jan Valenta from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague.

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