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Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials: Publications


  1. R. Yatskiv, V.V. Brus,  M. Verde,  J.Grym,  P. Gladkov: Electrical and optical properties of graphite/ZnO nanorods heterojunctions.  Carbon 77 (2014) 1011-1019, (IF= 5.868). Link
  2. P. Komninou, P.Gladkov, T.  Karakostas, J. Pangrac, O Pacherova, J.  Vanis,  E. Hulicius: Structural and photoluminescent properties of low temperature InAs buffer layer grown by MOVPE on GaAs substrates. J Cryst Growth 396 (2014) 54-60, (IF 1.552). Link
  3. J. Zavadil, Z. G. Ivanova, P. Kostka, M. Hamzaoui, M. T. Soltani: Photoluminescence study of Er-doped zinc-sodium-antimonite glasses. , J Alloy Compd, 611 (2014) 111-116, (IF=2.390). Link
  4. J. Lorinčík, I. Kašík, J. Vaniš, L. Sedláček, J. Dluhoš: Imaging of Dopant Distribution in Optical Fibers with an Orthogonal TOF SIMS, Surf. Interface Anal. (2014). (in press), (IF=1.220). Link 
  5. M. Kubliha, P. Kostka, V. Trnovcova, J. Zavadil, J. Bednarcik, V. Labas, J. Pedlikova, A.C. Dippel, H.P. Liermann, J. Psota, Local atomic structure and electrical properties of Ge20Se80-xTex (x=0, 5, 10, and 15) glasses doped with Ho, J Alloy Compd, 586 (2014) 308-313, (IF=2.390). Link
  6. G.P. Dimitrakopulos, C. Bazioti, J. Grym, P. Gladkov, E. Hulicius, J. Pangrác, O. Pacherová, Ph. Komninou, Misfit dislocation reduction in InGaAs epilayers grown on porous GaAs substrates, Appl Surf  Sci, (2004). (in press), (IF= 2.112). Link
  7. L.A. Kosyachenko, R. Yatskiv, N.S. Yurtsenyuk, O.L. Maslyanchuk, J. Grym, Graphite/CdMnTe Schottky diodes and their electrical characteristics, Semicond Sci Tech, 29 (2014) 015006, (IF=1.921). Link
  8. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, V.V. Brus, O. Cernohorsky, P.D. Maryanchuk, C. Bazioti, G.P. Dimitrakopulos, P. Komninou, Transport properties of metal–semiconductor junctions on n-type InP prepared by electrophoretic deposition of Pt nanoparticles, Semicond Sci Tech, 29 (2014) 045017, (IF=1.921). Link
  9. Z. Sroubek, J. Lorincik, Kinetic electron emission from metal surfaces induced by impact of slow ions, Surf Sci, 625 (2014) 7-9, (IF= 1.838). Link
  10. P. Kuba, J. Lorinčíka, M. Lísal & H.M. Urbassek, Molecular dynamics simulations of Ar gas ejection from a ruptured subsurface bubble in Cu(100) induced by impact of 200 eV Ar atoms, Mol Phys, (2004).  (in press) , (IF= 1.670). Link


  1. K. Zdansky, J.H. Dickerson, Improved speed of hydrogen detection by Schottky diodes on InP with electrophoretically deposited Pt nanoparticles and graphite contacts, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 184 (2013) 295-300, (IF=3.535). Link
  2. M. Nouadji, Z.G. Ivanova, M. Poulain, J. Zavadil, A. Attaf, Glass formation, physicochemical characterization and photoluminescence properties of new Sb2O3-PbO-ZnO and Sb2O3-PbO-ZnS systems, J Alloy Compd, 549 (2013) 158-162, (IF=2.390). Link
  3. J. Grym, R. Yatskiv, Schottky barriers based on metal nanoparticles deposited on InP epitaxial layers, Semicond Sci Tech, 28 (2013) , (IF=1.921). Link
  4. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Thermal stability study of semimetal graphite n-InP and n-GaN Schottky diodes, Semicond Sci Tech, 28 (2013) 055009, (IF=1.921). Link
  5. J. Grym, D. Nohavica, P. Gladkov, E. Hulicius, J. Pangrac, K. Piksova, Epitaxial growth on porous GaAs substrates, Cr Chim, 16 (2013) 59-64, (IF= 1.920). Link
  6. R. Zeipl, M. Jelinek, J. Navratil, T. Kocourek, S. Leshkov, F. Sroubek, J. Vanis, J. Walachova, Properties of thermoelectric Ce0.09Fe0.67Co3.33Sb12/FeSb2Te multi-layered structures prepared by laser ablation, Thin Solid Films, 548 (2013) 590-596, (IF= 1.604). Link
  7. O. Bosak, P. Kostka, S. Minarik, V. Trnovcova, J. Podolinciakova, J. Zavadil, Influence of composition and preparation conditions on some physical properties of TeO2-Sb2O3-PbCl2 Glasses, J Non-Cryst Solids, 377 (2013) 74-78, (IF=1.597). Link
  8. J. Zavadil, M. Kubliha, P. Kostka, M. Iovu, V. Labas, Z.G. Ivanova, Investigation of electrical and optical properties of Ge-Ga-As-S glasses doped with rare-earth ions, J Non-Cryst Solids, 377 (2013) 85-89, (IF=1.597). Link
  9. J. Walachova, J. Zelinka, S. Leshkov, F. Sroubek, J. Pangrac, E. Hulicius, J. Vanis, Integral and local density of states of InAs quantum dots in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure observed by ballistic electron emission spectroscopy near one-electron ground state, Physica E, 48 (2013) 61-65, (IF= 1.522). Link
  10. J. Lorincik, Z. Sroubek, M. Kormunda, J. Matousek, Kinetic electron emission from Cu induced by impact of slow Cs+ ions, Nucl Instrum Meth B, 315 (2013) 287-290, (IF=1.266). Link
  11. M.L. Nietiadi, Y. Rosandi, J. Lorincik, H.M. Urbassek, Sputtering of a silicon surface: Preferential sputtering of surface impurities, Nucl Instrum Meth B, 303 (2013) 205-208, (IF= 1.266). Link
  12. P. Kuba, J. Lorincik, C. Anders, H.M. Urbassek, A molecular dynamics simulation of the effect of near-surface gas-phase collisions on final velocities of sputtered ions, Surf Interface Anal, 45 (2013) 75-78, (IF= 1.220). Link
  13. P. Williams, J. Lorincik, K. Franzreb, R.L. Hervig, High dynamic range isotope ratio measurements using an analog electron multiplier, Surf Interface Anal, 45 (2013) 549-552, (IF= 1.220). Link
  14. M. Negyesi, V. Kloucek, J. Lorincik, L. Novotny, J. Kabatova, S. Linhart, J. Adamek, J. Siegl, V. Vrtilkova, Proposal of new O-beta oxidation criterion for new types of the Zr1Nb alloy of fuel claddings, Nucl Eng Des, 261 (2013) 260-268, (IF= 0.805). Link
  15. N.K. Reddy, M. Devika, M. Prashantha, K. Rames, Z.G. Ivanova, J. Zavadil, Tailoring the optical properties of amorphous heavily Er3+-doped Ge-Ga-S thin films, J Optoelectron Adv M, 15 (2013) 182-186, (IF=0.516). Link
  16. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Hydrogen sensing using reduced graphene oxide sheets supported by Pd nanoparticles, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 450 (2013) . Link
  17. R. Yatskiv, K. Zdansky, J. Grym, Hydrogen Detection with Semimetal Graphite-ZnO (InP,GaN) Schottky Diodes, in:  Key Engineering Materials, 2013, pp. 159-163. Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, K. Zdansky, K. Piksova, Semimetal graphite/ZnO Schottky diodes and their use for hydrogen sensing, Carbon, 50 (2012) 3928-3933, (IF=5.868). Link
  2. P. Gladkov, E. Hulicius, T. Paskova, E. Preble, K.R. Evans, Below band-gap optical absorption and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy at room temperature in low-defect-density bulk GaN:Fe, Appl Phys Lett, 100 (2012) , (IF= 3.794). Link
  3. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Temperature-dependent properties of semimetal graphite-ZnO Schottky diodes, Appl Phys Lett, 101 (2012) 162106, (IF=3.794) Link
  4. R.D. Gann, Z. Sroubek, J.A. Yarmoff, Dopant enhanced neutralization of low-energy Li+ scattered from Si(111), Phys Rev B, 85 (2012) , (IF= 3.767).  Link
  5. K. Zdansky, R. Yatskiv, Schottky barriers on InP and GaN made by deposition of colloidal graphite and Pd, Pt or bimetal Pd/Pt nanoparticles for H-2-gas detection, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 165 (2012) 104-109, (IF=3.535). Link
  6. K. Zdansky, Graphite/InP and graphite/GaN Schottky barriers with electrophoretically deposited Pd or Pt nanoparticles for hydrogen detection, Nanoscale Res Lett, 7 (2012) , (IF=2.524). Link
  7. L. Fekete, H. Nemec, Z. Mics, F. Kadlec, P. Kuzel, V. Novak, J. Lorincik, M. Martin, J. Mangeney, J.C. Delagnes, P. Mounaix, Ultrafast carrier response of Br+-irradiated In0.53Ga0.47As excited at telecommunication wavelengths, J Appl Phys, 111 (2012) , (IF= 2.210). Link
  8. Z. Sroubek, Mechanism of negative ion emission from surfaces of ferroelectrics, Surf Sci, 606 (2012) 1327-1330, (IF= 1.838). Link
  9. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Particle detectors based on InP Schottky diodes, J Instrum, 7 (2012) C10005, (IF= 1.656). Link
  10. A. Lotsari, A. Das, T. Kehagias, Y. Kotsar, E. Monroy, T. Karakostas, P. Gladkov, P. Komninou, G.P. Dimitrakopulos, Morphology and origin of V-defects in semipolar (11-22) InGaN, J Cryst Growth, 339 (2012) 1-7, (IF= 1.552). Link
  11. M. Hamzaoui, M.T. Soltani, M. Baazouzi, B. Tioua, Z.G. Ivanova, R. Lebullenger, M. Poulain, J. Zavadil, Optical properties of erbium doped antimony based glasses: Promising visible and infrared amplifiers materials, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 249 (2012) 2213-2221, (IF= 1.489). Link
  12. M. Negyesi, J. Burda, V. Kloucek, J. Lorincik, J. Sopousek, J. Kabatova, L. Novotny, S. Linhart, T. Chmela, J. Siegl, V. Vrtilkova, Contribution to the study of the pseudobinary Zr1Nb-Oxygen phase diagram by local oxygen measurements of Zr1Nb fuel cladding after high temperature oxidation, J Nucl Mater, 420 (2012) 314-319, (IF= 1.402). Link
  13. D. Nohavica, J. Grym, P. Gladkov, E. Hulicius, J. Pangrac, Z. Jarchovsky, Thermal conversion and epitaxial overgrowth of nanopores etched in InP and GaAs, Int J Nanotechnol, 9 (2012) 732-745, (IF= 1.087). Link
  14. K. Zdansky, O. Cernohorsky, R. Yatskiv, Hydrogen sensors made on InP or GaN with electrophoretically deposited Pd or Pt nanoparticles, Acta Phys Pol A, 122 (2012) 572-575, (IF= 0.531). Link
  15. B.S. Stepanov, T. Wagner, J. Lorincik, M. Frumar, M.F. Churbanov, Y.I. Chigirinsky, Solid-state field-assisted silver diffusion in (TeO2)(0.6)(WO3)(0.25)(La2O3)(0.05)(Na2O)(0.1) glass, Inorg Mater, 48 (2012) 642-647, (IF= 0.376). Link
  16. K. Zdansky, R. Yatskiv, O. Cernohorsky, K. Piksova, EPD of Reverse Micelle Pd and Pt Nanoparticles onto InP and GaN for High-Response Hydrogen Sensors, Key Eng Mater, 507 (2012) 169-173. Link
  17. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, K. Zdansky, High sensitivity hydrogen sensors based on GaN, Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 9, No 7, 9 (2012) 1661-1663. Link
  18. J. Grym, D. Nohavica, J. Vanis, K. Piksova, Preparation of nanoporous GaAs substrates for epitaxial growth, Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 9, No 7, 9 (2012) 1531-1533. Link

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