Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

CrysTBox - The latest release

CrysTBox Server 1.10 (build 0064/0065) was released on 2017-07-07. All the related news are summarized below.


M. Klinger. More features, more tools, more CrysTBox. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50(4), 2017. doi:10.1107/S1600576717006793.

The full text >>

New tools

  • gpaGUI for Geometric Phase Analysis. Details can be found here
  • twoBeamGUI for TEM sample thickness estimation. Details can be found here
  • ifaceViewer for visualization of two different phases and their interface. Details can be found here

New features

  • User can create and easily access their own material collection as described here
  • Properties of exported images can be changed. Details can be found here
  • Image resolution stored in TIF images generated by TVIPS software can be read.
  • User can specify which Kikuchi lines are shown/hidden in cellViewer.
  • Beamstopper detector improved.


New step-by-step guides available:

How to get the latest version

If you are new to CrysTBox, please fill in the application form.

If you have an old CrysTBox version you would like to update, please fill in your e-mail in the update form.

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