Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Dielectric and IR spectroscopy (lead by S. Kamba)

We focus on study of dielectric and vibration spectra of ferroelectrics in the form of single crystals, ceramics, thin films and multilayers in a very broad spectral and temperature range (1 mHz – 150 THz, 5 – 950 K).

(More about this group)


  • Dielectric analyzer Alpha_AN (Novocontrol), frequency range 3x10-6Hz–20 MHz, 10–900K
    (contact: M. Savinov, ext. 2641, room 135)
  • Impedance analyzer HEWLETT-PACKARD 4192A, frequency range 100 Hz – 5 MHz, 10 – 900 K
    (contact: M. Savinov, ext. 2641, room 135)
  • Impedance analyzer AGILENT 4291B, frequency range 1 MHz – 1.8 GHz, coaxial technique, 100 – 550 K
    (contact: V. Bovtun, ext. 2618, room 143)
  • Network analyzer AGILENT E8364B, frequency range 50 MHz – 50 GHz, coaxial technique suitable for dielectric measurements of high-permittivity high loss thin films and bulks, temperature range 10 – 400 K
    (contact: V. Bovtun, ext. 2618, room 143)
  • Fourier spectrometer BRUKER IFS113v, spectral range 15-10.000 cm–1, temperature range 5 – 950 K, transmission and specular reflection measurements (two instruments)
    (contact: S. Kamba, ext. 2957, room 133)

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