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2 Aug 14 - 1 Mar 25
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Novel thulium-doped nanomaterials for active optical fibers

Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation

Principal investigator: Jan Mrázek, Ph.D.;

From: 2013-02-01

To: 2015-12-31

General approach to the novel nanocrystalline materials; composed of (REE x Y 1-x )2Ti2O7  (REE=Eu, Tm, x=<0-1>); with tailored nanoparticle size and enhanced luminescence properties was elaborated.  The effects of the nanoparticle sizes and their chemical compositions on the optical properties were evaluated. Optimal luminescence properties were achieved for the chemical composition (REE 0.1 Y 0.9)2Ti2O7. Nanocrystalline powders, thin films and nanoparticle-doped silica glasses were prepared by the elaborated approach. The elaborated approach was successfully extended to other rare earth elements. Selected thin films were alternatively processed by a CO2 laser beam. 

Elaborated approached allowed to prepare Tm-doped active optical fibers with improved luminescence properties. Prepared fibers were tested as a gain medium in a ring fiber laser. Prepared materials and active optical fibers can be exploited for further development of fiber lasers with improved efficiency operating in “eye-safe” spectral region.




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