Intranet Čeština


Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

opens a  position at the Department of Functional Morphology headed by Jiri Palecek M.D. ,Ph.D. for a




The postdoctoral position is available for 3 years with a possible extension as a junior scientist.


About us

The main research interest of the department is to study mechanisms of pain and to explore new possibilities of pain treatment, especially in chronic states. Our experimental work is concentrated on the modulation of nociceptive information at the spinal cord level that is the first relay center between the periphery and the higher brain areas. The goal is to study these modulatory mechanisms in order to improve therapy for neuropathic and cancer related pain. In our research we use mainly electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and behavioral methods with the employment of different models of neuropathic (nerve injury, diabetes) and inflammatory pain models in control and transgenic animals. We have recently also established a new laboratory at the Biotechnology and Biomedicine Center (; BIOCEV). More information about the department profile is available at:


Your project

The research project will concentrate to study mechanisms of spinal cord modulation of nociceptive transmission in models of neuropathic pain. The postdoctoral fellow will use electrophysiological recordings from spinal cord slices, behavioral tests and molecular biology techniques. Experience with these methods and with viral transfection in vivo for optogenetic manipulation of synaptic transmission and siRNA approaches for targeted inactivation of genes of interest would be of advantage. The postdoctoral fellow will be involved in projects to study interaction of opioid, TRPV1 and cannabinoid receptors with cytokines in modulation of synaptic transmission in different models of neuropathic pain (SNL, paclitaxel, diabetic). Possible anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving properties of fatty acids will be also studied in neuroinflammatory conditions related to neuropathic pain. Viral vectors will be used to label neuronal populations with calcium dye indicators and to record their activity in spinal cord slices using optical and electrophysiological methods at the BIOCEV facility. 


Your profile

We therefore seek a highly motivated candidate with a PhD degree interested to study pain mechanisms, fluent in English (or Czech). Previous experience with the experimental techniques and/or pain field is of advantage. Preference will be given to candidates with at least one year experience of research outside of the Czech Republic.


Our offer

We offer a competitive monthly salary of 40 000 CZK (approx. 1 500 EUR) with a possible raise based on the candidate's skills and involvement in grant projects. For further information please contact Jiri Palecek ( To apply, please, send letter of interest, structured CV, photocopies of documents proving the attained level of education, and recommendation letters of two independent academic referees to the following addresses: and    


Please apply immediately. The application deadline is three months from the date of publication of the advertisement. However, the position may be filled earlier in the case that a suitable candidate will apply before the deadline.

Date of publication: 24/7/2017