Vanda Černohorská:
„Ďakujeme, že ste si všetky dobré rady nechali pred dverami“: O ASPEKTu a on-line feminismu v československém kontextu [53]

« ročník 17, číslo 2/2016: Politické aktérství žen v historii: středoevropský kontext

Černohorská, Vanda. 2016. „„Ďakujeme, že ste si všetky dobré rady nechali pred dverami“: O ASPEKTu a on-line feminismu v československém kontextu.“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 17 (2): 53-63,

‘Thank you for leaving all your good advice at the door’: On ASPEKT and Online Feminism in the Czecho-Slovak Context

This article presents a case study of the Slovak feminist organisation ASPEKT, the oldest and one of the most significant advocates of gender equality in the region. While challenging the theoretical presumption that new media and digital technologies are detaching us from our historical and socio-political context and thereby leading to greater homogenisation, it focuses on the way in which the organisation approaches and makes sense of these new platforms and tools in relation to their specific history and political beliefs. It elaborate on topics such as the tension between the effort to remain creative and independent in times of increasing bureaucratisation of funding opportunities, or making full use of the potential of new online platforms yet staying true to one’s original standards and values. It aims to highlight the following: That even though digital technologies are a global phenomenon which – organisationally and symbolically speaking – transcend time and space, the way we approach digital technologies and new media, the meaning and potential we ascribe to them, is culturally and historically specific.

Keywords: digital technologies, Slovakia, contemporary feminism, ASPEKT

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