Lecture “Holographic endoscopy and its application to biophotonics”

On 12.10.-19.10. 2017 Dr. Sergey Turtaev  visited our institute.
Sergey is an early stage researcher from the Leibniz Institute for Photonics Technology, Jena. As a member of complex photonics group, his research currently is focused on holographic beam shaping in multimode optical fibres to perform lensless minimally invasive micro-endoscopy, with a strong emphasis on high-speed in-vivo deep brain imaging.
After graduation from National research nuclear university "MEPhI"(Moscow), Sergey worked as a research assistant in the Fibre Optic Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Science, then spent three years at University of Dundee (UK) as ITN Marie-Curie fellow.
Sergey Turtaev  visited our laboratories, he met scientists working on a similar topic and he gave lecture “Holographic endoscopy and its application to biophotonics” that was visited by 30 scientists. After the lecture, a fruitfull discussion with the scientists took place.



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