The international meeting "Nanocellulose Reinforced Composites for Advaced Eathquake-proof Construction Technology" will be held at IPP
The international meeting "Nanocellulose Reinforced Composites for Advaced Eathquake-proof Construction Technology" will be held at IPP on October 23 - 27, 2017.
The “nCEL-CONST”progress meeting will be organized by the Pulsed Plasma Systems Department of
IPP. It intends bringing together all project partners from Korea, Turkey and the Czech Republic to
discuss obtained results, exchange ideas and plan future activities.
Participating institutions:
1) Soft Matter Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering, Collage of Engineering, INHA
University, Seoul, Korea
2) Plasma Aided Biomedical Research Group (pabmed), Biomedical Engineering Department,
Engineering Faculty, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
3) Institute of Plasma Physics Prague, Pulse Plasma Systems Dept,
LOC: M. Simek and V. Prukner
The main aim of the “nCEL-CONST” project is to develop nanocellulose reinforced ultra-strong
cement composites for earthquake-proof concrete and nanocellulose based concrete repairing
adhesives. In order to achieve the goal, nanocellulose crystals and fibers will be extracted from
sustainable natural sources, extracted cellulose will be treated by industrially feasible cold
plasma sources to activate surfaces , and the processed cellulose will be fabricated in
earthquake-proof cement composites and repairing adhesives .
KONNECT = Strengthening STI Cooperation between Korea and the EU, Promoting Innovation and the
Enhancement of Communication for Technology-related Policy Dialogue
The KONNECT project intends to strengthen STI cooperation between the EU and Republic of
Korea, promoting innovation and the enhancement of communication for technology-related policy
dialogue. This project brings together organizations from the EU and the Republic of Korea to
improve and sustain communication between the two regions at the research and policy level and
increase the expand the scope of STI networks and activities. The fulfillment of these objectives
will improve the overall level of prosperity in both Europe and Korea and contribute to the
resolution of natural and societal issues and threats facing the world.
12 Oct 2017