Adéla Souralová:
Feministická reflexe migrace: pečovatelky, zdravotní sestry a globalizovaná migrace [41]

« ročník 11, číslo 1/2010: Feministická reflexe globalizace

Souralová, Adéla. 2010. „Feministická reflexe migrace: pečovatelky, zdravotní sestry a globalizovaná migrace.“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 11 (1): 41-48

Abstract: Researches on human mobility have ignored the role of gender in migration processes for a long time. In the 1970s, feminist scholars started criticising the gender blindness and male bias in this domain. New researches focusing on the position of women declared the need to adopt gender as a useful category in migration studies. This article describes the genealogy of the feminist reflection of migration and shows how the conceptualisation of gender in migration studies has changed over forty years. It focuses on one type of women’s mobility: the migration of care workers, domestic workers, and nurses. Many researchers refer to these women as ‘global’ and ‘globalised’ and show how globalised migration penetrates everyday life and generates new types of inequalities or hierarchies based on class, gender, and ethnic or generational differences. 
Key words: gender, migration, care work, nursing 

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