Main topics of research include:
Analysis of single-point stochastic neuronal models.
Main methodology is provided by mathematical modelling based on the theory of stochastic processes and differential equations, including extensive numerical simulations. Advanced statistical analysis of simulated as well as real experimental data is performed in order to estimate biophysically relevant parameters of the studied models.
Information processing in sensory neurons and neuronal models.
Methods of information theory and statistical estimation theory are applied to analyse the neuronal coding efficiency, based on both simulated and experimental data. Of particular interest is the notion of efficient coding hypothesis for insect olfactory sensory neurons, and biophysical modelling of ligand-receptor interaction in pheromone reception.
Organization of recent international conferences:
- Methods of Information Theory in Computational Neuroscience CNS2017 workshop, Antwerp, Belgium, 2017
- Methods of Information Theory in Computational Neuroscience CNS2016 workshop, Jeju, South Korea, 2016
- Organization for Computational Neurosciences annual meeting (CNS*2015 Prague)
- Neuromechanics and integrative motor control workshop, Prague, 2015
- Methods of Information Theory in Computational Neuroscience workshop, Prague, 2015
- Information beyond Shannon 2013 workshop (Prague)
- Neural Coding workshops: 2010 (Limassol); 2012 (Prague); 2014 (Versailles)
Šmít, Daniel - Fouquet, C. - Pincet, F. - Zápotocký, Martin - Trembleau, A.
Axon tension regulates fasciculation/defasciculation through the control of axon shaft zippering
eLife. 2017, roč. 6, Apr 19, článku e19907
IF = 7.725
Šmít, Daniel - Fouquet, C. - Doulazmi, M. - Pincet, F. - Trembleau, A. - Zápotocký, Martin
BFPTool: a software tool for analysis of Biomembrane Force Probe experiments
BMC Biophysics. 2017, roč. 10, Feb, článku 2
IF = 2.292
Leváková, Marie - Tamborrino, M. - Košťál, Lubomír - Lánský, Petr
Accuracy of rate coding: When shorter time window and higher spontaneous activity help
Physical Review E. 2017, roč. 95, 2, článku 022310
IF = 2.366
Chakraborty, Soma - Kopecká, J. - Šprdlík, Otakar - Hoskovcová, M. - Ulmanová, O. - Růžička, E. - Zápotocký, Martin
Intermittent bilateral coherence in physiological and essential hand tremor
Clinical Neurophysiology. 2017, roč. 128, 4, p. 622-634
IF = 3.866
Košťál, Lubomír - Lánský, Petr
Coding accuracy on the psychophysical scale
Scientific Reports. 2016, roč. 6, Mar 29, p. 23810
IF = 4.259
Leváková, Marie - Tamborrino, M. - Košťál, Lubomír - Lánský, Petr
Presynaptic Spontaneous Activity Enhances the Accuracy of Latency Coding
Neural Computation. 2016, roč. 28, 10, p. 2162-2180
IF = 1.760
Košťál, Lubomír - Shinomoto, S.
Efficient information transfer by Poisson neurons
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 2016, roč. 13, 3, p. 509-520
IF = 1.035
Košťál, Lubomír
Stimulus reference frame and neural coding precision
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 2016, roč. 71, Apr 2016, p. 22-27
IF = 1.377
Kortus, Štěpán - Srinivasan, Ch. - Forostyak, O. - Zápotocký, Martin - Ueta, Y. - Syková, E. - Chvátal, A. - Verkhratsky, A. - Dayanithi, G.
Sodium-calcium exchanger and R-type Ca2+ channels mediate spontaneous [Ca2+](i) oscillations in magnocellular neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus
Cell Calcium. 2016, roč. 59, 6, p. 289-298
IF = 3.707
Kortus, Štěpán - Srinivasan, Ch. - Forostyak, O. - Ueta, Y. - Syková, E. - Chvátal, A. - Zápotocký, Martin - Verkhratsky, A. - Dayanithi, G.
Physiology of spontaneous [Ca2+](i) oscillations in the isolated vasopressin and oxytocin neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus
Cell Calcium. 2016, roč. 59, 6, p. 280-288
IF = 3.707
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