1st Joint Czech-Israeli Workshop


Strong electron correlations in nano-materials for advanced energy applications


Location: Main Building of the Institute of Physics ASCR, Na Slovance 2, Prague, Czech Republic.


Dates: 28.11.2016 - 01.12.2016




Ing. Alexander Shick, DSc., Department of Condensed Matter Theory, FZU ASCR v.v.i., Na Slovance 2, Prague


Contact Email: shick@fzu.cz


Dr. Eitan Eidelstein, Department of Physics, Nuclear Research Center Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.


Contact Email: eitan.eidelstein@gmail.com


Members of the organizing committee:


RNDR. Silvia Maskova, PhD. MFFUK, Prague

Contact Email: maskova.silvie@gmail.com


Dr. Itzhak Halevy, Department of Physics, Nuclear Research Center Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.

Contact Email: halevy.itzhak.dr@gmail.com


List of invited  speakers:

Israel: E. Eidelstein (NRCN), I. Halevy (NRCN), O. Levy (NRCN), I. Orion (BGU) and O. Orion (BGU), M. Gelbstein (NRCN,BGU), G. Cohen (TAU), A. Natan (TAU)


Czech Republic:

J. Kolorenc (FZU), F. Maca (FZU), V. Janis (FZU), V. Drchal (FZU), J. Kudrnovsky (FZU), P. Jelinek (FZU), A. Shick (FZU), O. Sipr (FZU), V. Pokorny (FZU), D. Legut (VSB), K. Vyborny (FZU), S. Maskova (MFFUK), K. Uhlirova (MFFUK), L. Havela (MFFUK)

       Guests: A. Lichtenstein (Uni. Hamburg),  S. Khmelevskyi (TU Wien)









Travel Information:


How to get to the hotel from the airport

The hotel is called Henrietta (Ke Stirce 1774/42, Prague), their web
page at booking.com is


1/ take bus number 119 to "Nadrazi Veleslavin" (the end stop of that
bus, you cannot miss it),
2/ change to Metro (=U-Bahn) line A, take a train in the direction of
"Depo Hostivar" or "Skalka", and continue to station "Muzeum",
3/ change to line C, take a train in the direction of "Letnany" or
"Ladvi", and continue to station "Kobylisy";
4/ station Kobylisy has two exits, choose the one in the direction of
the train you came in
5/ follow the map to the hotel





How to get from the hotel to the institute


1a/ return to Metro station "Kobylisy" and take a train in the direction
of "Letnany" or "Ladvi", get off at "Ladvi" (it is just one stop)
1b/ on the way to Metro station "Kobylisy", you will see a tram stop "Ke
Stirce"; take tram number 10 in the direction of "Sidliste Dablice" and
get off at station "Ladvi" (4th stop)

2/ follow the map to the Institute


Miscellaneous info on public transport

1/ There are two basic variants of the ticket: 24 CZK (valid for 30
minutes) and 32 CZK (valid for 90 minutes). You need the longer ticket
from the airport, the shorter ticket is enough from the train station.
The ticket has to be stamped once you enter a bus, a tram, or at the
entrance to a Metro station.
2/ There are ticket machines at Metro stations and at some Tram stops.
Unfortunately, most of them take only coins. At the airport, there are
machines at the bus stop that take cards. There are also information
booths at the airport terminals and at the main train station where they
sell tickets (check the page http://www.dpp.cz/en/list-of-info-centres/
to see how the booths look like).

3/ Connection search:

Workshop Program:

download program in pdf format  

Monday  Nov. 28

Session I.                                                                                  Chair: A. Lichtenstein

09.05–09.10       Eitan Edelstein and Alexander Shick

Opening address

09:10–10:00       Itzhak Halevy

Equation of state for intermetallic compounds measured in synchrotron radiation and spallation sources. High Pressure crystallography and magnetic properties measurements.

10:00–10:30         Silvia Maskova

Alloying and Hydrogenation of U-metal as a Probe into the 5f-Magnetism 

10:30–11:00        COFFEE

11:00–11:50        M. Gelbstein

Scientific tools for developing new high entropy alloys    

11:50–12:20         E. Edelstein 

Ab-Initio Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties: Ti and Si as a Case Study                                                     

12:20–14:30       LUNCH                                                                                                                                            


Session II.                                                                                 Chair: V. Janis

14:30–15:20    Sergii Khmelevskyi

Functional Antiferro- and Ferrimagnetic Materials for Spintronics Applications: Challenge for Ab-Initio Computations

15:20–15:50  F. Maca

Ab initio calculations for magnetic order in surface and bulk systems

15:50–16:20  V. Drchal

 Spin disorder resistivity of iron at the Earth's core conditions

16:20–17:30   A. Natan

 Data assisted analysis and DFT simulations of oxide materials

17:30–18:00     Discussion                                                                                                                                            


Tue.  Nov. 29

Session I.                                                                                  Chair: I. Halevy

09.00–09.50       V. Janis

Consistent mean-field description of quantum criticality of correlated electrons

09:50–10:20        V. Pokorny

Correlation effects in superconducting quantum dot systems

10:20–10:50        COFFEE

10:50–11:20        H. Malte

Plaquette valence bond theory of HTSC

11:20–12:10        O. Levy

The high throughput highway to computational materials design: current status and future challenges

12:10–14:30       LUNCH                                                                                                                                            


Session II.                                                                                 Chair: L. Havela

14:00–14:50    A. Lichtenstein

Correlation effects in magnetic systems

14:50–15:40    G. Cohen

Taming the dynamical sign problem: the Inchworm algorithm

15:40–16:20    A. Shick

Single ad-atom magnets: Ho@Pt(111)

16:20–16:50    J. Kolorenc

Inelastic electron tunneling: perturbation expansion around the atomic limit

17:00–18:00     Discussion                                                                                                                                            

Wed.  Nov. 30

Session I.                                                                                  Chair: G. Cohen

09.00–09.50       P. Jelinek

Studies of molecular nanostructures with scanning probe microscopy: experiment and theory.

09:50–10:20       O. Sipr

Illustrative view on the role of spin-orbit coupling in magnetocrystalline anisotropy of adatoms      

10:20–10:40        COFFEE

10:40–11:10        D. Legut

Lattice dynamics of UC and UO2 - importance of the electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling

11:10–12:00        I. Orion

Progress in Low-Energy Electron Transport Measurement Methods in Solids

12:00–14:00       LUNCH                                                                                                                                            


Session II.                                                                                  MFFUK

15:30– Orit Orion 

Science Through the Eyes of Art




Thur.  Dec. 01

Session I.                                                                                  Chair: E. Edelstein

09.00–09.30       J. Kudrnovsky

Exchange and spin-orbit induced phenomena in diluted (Ga,Mn)As from first principles

09:30–10:00        A. Kozub

Electronic structure and magnetism of  Sm and Nd adatoms on a free-standing graphene

10:00–10:30        K. Vyborny

Anisotropies and domains of antiferromagnetic MnTe

10:30–11:00        COFFEE

11:00–11:30        K. Uhlirova      

Magnetism and superconductivity in the CenPdmIn3n+2m homologous series

11:30–12:00        V. Valmispild

"Electron dynamics of correlated materials"

12:00–14:00       LUNCH                                                                                                                                           


14:00–18:00      Round-Table Discussion