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This book presents an overview of private rented housing in selected new EU member states and other transition countries – a topic scarcely researched to date, as it is largely part of the informal economy, and consequently often invisible to official statistics.
The article uses photovoice to explore the everyday geography of homelessness and its affective dimension. We focus on two aspects of the everyday geography captured by photovoice: (1) movement in space and (2) the performativity of heterotopic places. The aim is to understand how the research partners as actors (re)present and (re)construct their everyday geography by visual means and how they relate to it affectively (or otherwise).
We focus on the role of within-family socialisation and the relationship between socialisation and resource transfers in the intergenerational transmission of housing preferences, the formation of familial housing attitudes and thus the reproduction of a normative housing tenure ladder across generations in Czech society. We show that resource transfers and the within-family socialisation of housing preferences, including preferences concerning housing tenure, are closely interconnected.
Standardní analýzy trhu bydlení vycházejí z neoliberálního ekonomického paradigmatu, podle kterého tržní aktéři jednají individuálně a zároveň ekonomicky racionálně. V předkládané monografii autoři a autorky nabízejí alternativní pohled. Na základě dlouhodobého multimetodického výzkumu preferencí a jednání upírají svůj zájem na sociální normy spojené s bydlením a analyzují jejich vliv na chování aktérů na trhu bydlení.
The aim of paper is to reveal the link between the scope of housing aid designed to support ageing in place and the housing system. The main research question is whether the structure of the housing stock according to housing tenure has an impact on diversity and innovations in the supply of public housing subsidies and the housing options available to the elderly.
One key consequence of give-away privatizations was that public housing in most post-socialist states declined within a few years to a residual share of total housing market. Despite the large differences in public/social housing policies introduced after 1995, this article will show that that almost all new social housing measures proved to be unsustainable, ineffective and often had the unintended consequence of further enhancing homeownership tenure in post-socialist housing systems.
The chapter describes and evaluates the development of both market-based housing finance and social housing finance in post-socialist transition countries.
The chapter describes and evaluates the rent setting and rent regulation in post-socialist transition countries; and development of new demand-side subsidies.
The chapter describes and evaluates the history and recent state-of-art of social housing in the Czech Republic.
The chapter compares the different strategies in social housing in 12 post-socialist transition states, evaluates their overall efficiency and effectiveness, and list the main factors behind the success of different strategies.
Housing conditions form an important part of social stratification in many advanced industrial economies. The objective of this article is to determine the extent to which social stratification is linked to housing inequalities in the post-socialist Czech Republic; and how this relationship has evolved during the course of the economic transformation process.
The paper aims to show the most common paths to homelessness in the Czech Republic. The theoretical approach applied in this paper attempts to move beyond the structure–agency debate by focusing on the characteristics that most homeless people share on their paths to homelessness. The paper reveals that the pervasiveness of consumer credit has often been a critical juncture on the pathway to homelessness, despite the assistance available from a strong welfare state.
Cílem statě je identifkovat hlavní faktory v pozadí úspěšné reintegrace bezdomovců zpět do dlouhodobých forem bydlení v prostředí ČR, identifikovat hlavní bariéry pro úspěšnou reintegraci a na základě zjištění těchto faktorů a bariér zhodnotit efektivnost stávajících i potenciálních nových nástrojů bytové politiky. Autoři tudíž provádějí i zhodnocení stávajících nástrojů pomoci bezdomovců a potenciál zcela inovativního a nového nástroje v podobě tzv. garantovaného bydlení.