new publication
18.09.2017Chvojka, Ondřej – Jiráň, Luboš – Metlička, Milan a kolektiv: Nové české depoty doby bronzové. Volume 1, 2 (2 volumes), Prague 2017
Europa Postmediaevalis 2018

The Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague would like to invite you to the conference Europa Postmediaevalis 2018. Post-medieval pottery between (its) borders that will be held in 2018 (April, 17th-18th).
More information: Call for papers (PDF)
new publication

I. Boháčová – M. Šmolíková (eds.): Praha archeologická. Archaeologica Pragensia – Supplementum 3
Newly appointed director of the Institute

On June 1st, 2017, the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc. appointed the new director of the Institute of Archaeology in Prague – Mgr. Jan Mařík, Ph.D., who took the five-year post from Doc. PhDr. Luboš Jiráň, CSc.