Střed | Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Guidance for authors

The journal accepts articles in the scope of 15-45 pages, polemic discussion essays not exceeding 25 pages, review essays not exceeding 10 pages, book reviews in the scope of 4-10 pages, always including footnotes, which have to comply with the citation rules set out bellow. The editorial board also accepts short reviews in the scope of 1-2 pages and short
literary annotations of 900-1800 characters.

Original papers and review essays have to be accompanied by an English abstract (1-2 paragraphs), summary (approximately 1 page), key words in English and the English translation of the essay title.

Texts in the Microsoft Word format (*.doc, *.rtf) may be sent to the e-mail address: stred(at)

Peer Reviewing: Every article under consideration for publication is subject to anonymous and independent peer-review process. The editorial board reserves the right to decide on acceptance or rejection of individual texts on the basis of two independent reviews. As far as other texts are concerned, their publishing is also decided upon by the editorial board.

Citation rules

JAN KŘEN, Konfliktní společenství Češi a Němci 1780–1918, Praha 1990, s. 20.

NATALIE ZEMON DAVIS, History’s Two Bodies, American Historical Review 94/1989, s. 1–10.

Ženský poslanec českého sněmu, Čas 14. 6. 1912, s. 1–2.

JEAN-PIERRE AZÉMA, FRANÇOIS BÉDARIDA (edd.), La France des années noires, Paris 1993.

T. G. Masaryk B. Hlaváčovi 15. 2. 1899, in: Korespondence T. G. Masaryk – Bedřich Hlaváč, edd. V. Doubek, M. Kučera, Praha 2001, s. 15.

HELMUT RUMPLER, PETER URBANITSCH, ADAM WANDRUSZKA (edd.), Habsburgermonarchie 1848–1918, díl VII: Verfassung und Parlamentarismus, sv. 1: Verfassungsrecht, Verfassungswirklichkeit, zentrale Repräsentativkörperschaften, sv. 2: Die regionalen Repräsentativkörperschaften, Wien 2000.

HENRY LYON, Marc Bloch, in: The Annales School – Critical Assessments, díl IV, ed. Stuart Clark, London – New York 1999, s. 163.

While citing archival documents, it is necessary to state the name and location of the archive first, followed by the title of the fund and more specific determination of the source.

In case of repeated citation it is sufficient to state only the initial of the authors and publishers first names as well as abbreviated title of the cited book or study.

The term page is abbreviated by s., years and issues of journals and collections are stated by means of Arab numerals, volumes of multi-volume editions are stated by means of Roman numerals. If documents in a series are numbered, this number has to be included together with the respective page numbers.

Elisions in citation are marked by ellipsis in square brackets.