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300GHz CMOS — Can spintronics help?

Pondělí, 16.10.2017 09:00

Přednášející: Shuhei Amakawa (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Místo: Zasedací místnost Fyzikálního ústavu, Cukrovarnická 10, Praha 6, budova A (vedle knihovny).
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: Oddělení spintroniky a nanoelektroniky

This talk will give an overview of research on millimetre-wave/THz CMOS circuits at Hiroshima University, which recently culminated in the demonstration of a transmitter capable of a data rate of 105Gbit/s. 300GHz CMOS circuit design is extremely challenging because the MOS transistor’s unity-power-gain frequency, fmax, is below 300GHz. The topics to be covered include millimetre-wave measurements, a little bit of circuit design, and possible applications. Finally, I will discuss possible scenarios in which spintronics could help and vice versa.