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Workshop of CrysTBox program usage - analysis of TEM images

Thursday, 09.03.2017 13:00 to 16:00

Speakers: Ing. Miloslav Klinger (Miloslav [dot] Klingeratseznam [dot] cz)
Place: Seminární místnost 117, Budova FZU, Na Slovance 2, Praha 8
Presented in Czech
Organisers: Department of Material Analysis
CrysTBox is a set of software tools dedicated to analysis of diffraction as well as direct images in transmission electron microscope. The workshop is intended to introduce the program's capabilities and to provide to those interested in a basic training in using it. Laboratory of electron microscopy from Department of materials analysis of IoP has the honour to invite you to a Workshop of CrysTBox program usage. The program allows for the analysis of diffraction and direct images in transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The exposition will be given by the program's author personally - Ing. Miloslav Klinger (dept. 21). The program will comprise:
  • Introdution of the set of tools fro automated image processing from TEM, program controls and the robust procedure of quantification including its limitations.
  • Examples of the processing of different types of diffraction images (spot-like, ring, CBED) and of high resolution direct images (HRTEM), crystal orientation, interplanar distances and angles determination, and estimation of specimen thickness.
  • Additional crystallographic visualisation and tutorial tools that find their application even beyond the TEM sphere.
Audience with their own portable computers with CrysTBox installation and their own data will be facilitated to try and debug the solution of their particular problems on the spot.