Emission of Climate Relevant Volatile Organochlorines by Plants Occurring in Temperate Forests
Forczek S.T., Laturnus F., Doležalová J., Holík J., Wimmer Z.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 61 : 103-108 , 2016
Keywords: volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons, biodegradation, Sphagnum moss, ozone-depleting substances, headspace cryofocusing method, boreal forests
Nitric oxide biosynthesis in plants – the short overview
Procházková D., Haisel D., Pavlíková D.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 60 (3) : 129-134 , 2014
Keywords: nitrate reductase, NOS like enzyme
The effect of risk elements in soil to nitric oxide metabolism in tobacco plants
Procházková D., Haisel D., Pavlíková D., Schnablová R., Száková J., Vytášek R., Wilhelmová N.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 58 : 435-440 , 2012
Keywords: nitrate reductase; nitrosoglutathione reductase; nitrotyrosine; Nicotiana tabacum L.
Influence of road salting on the adjacent Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest
Forczek S.T., Benada O., Kofroňová O., Sigler K.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 57 : 344-350 , 2011
Keywords: deicing, radiotracer methods, salinity, plant damage, chlorine cycle
Interactions between nitrogen nutrition and phytohormone levels in Festulolium plants
Pavlíková D., Neuberg M., Žižková E., Motyka V., Pavlík M.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 58 : 367-372 , 2012
Keywords: abscisic acid; amino acid; CULTAN; cytokinin; indole-3-acetic acid; Poaceae
Infrared spectroscopy-based metabolomic analysis of maize growing under different nitrogen nutrition.
Pavlík M., Pavlíková D., Vašíčková S.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 56(11) : 533-540 , 2010
The contents of amino acids and sterols in maize plants growing under different nitrogen conditions.
Pavlík M., Pavlíková D., Balík J., Neuberg M.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 56(3) : 125-132 , 2010
The effect of different nitrogen nutrition on proline and asparagine content in plant.
Neuberg M., Pavlíková D., Pavlík M., Balík J.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 56(7) : 305-311 , 2010
Biogeochemical cycles of chlorine in the coniferous forest ecosystem: practical implications.
Matucha M., Clarke N., Lachmanová Z., Forczek S., Fuksová K., Gryndler M.PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 56(8) : 357-367 , 2010