Imaging facility (new web pages)
Confocal microscope (Zeiss 5 Duo) enable us provide 3D fluorescent studies in living cells.
In IEB are three robotic systems for analyzing plant objects.
Mass spectrometer
connected to 2D high resolution liquid chromatograph (2D-LC/MS).
Number of grants/projects: 97
- Biotechnology system for agricultural waste-waters cleaning and reuse , TA ČR , Tomáš Vaněk
- Exocyst, poutací komplex sekretorických váčků, v polarizaci transportu auxinu , GA ČR , Lukáš Synek
- Exploration of grapevine diversity in production of health promoting compounds , MŠMT , Přemysl Landa
- Genome interactions in interspecific hybrids xFestulolium , GA ČR , David Kopecky
- Hunters or gardeners? Probing plant-microbe interactions in rootless carnivorous Utricularia from a transcriptomic perspective , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins , GA ČR , Václav Motyka
- Nitrosative stress during natural and zinc induced senescence , GA ČR
- Phospholipid signaling and interaction with microtubule/actin cytoskeleton in biotic stress response of Arabidopsis thaliana, Czech Science Foundation , GA ČR , Lenka Burketová
- Plants and nanoparticles – Friends or Foes? , MŠMT , Tomáš Vaněk
- Propojení proteomických a genomických přístupů při objasňování evolučních procesů napříč rostlinnou říší s důrazem na rodinu cytokininů , GA ČR , Václav Motyka
- Study and utilization of plant metabolisms for organic xenobiotics degradation , MŠMT , Tomáš Vaněk
- Wastewaters reclamation in integrated biotechnology system , MPO , Tomáš Vaněk
- Biorefineries as a source of "green chemicals" , MŠMT , Petr Maršík
- Charakterizace vybraných příslušníků nových skupin rostlinných forminů - třídy II a třídy III. , GA ČR , Viktor Žárský
- Chromatin Ragulation of Phaseolin Transcription , MŠMT , Miloslav Juříček
- Faktory určující hostitelskou specificitu potenciálních biokontrolních agentů , MŠMT , Petr Maršík
- Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of the Flowering Time Gene on Wheat , GA ČR , Jan Šafář
- Halofytes for phytoremediation , MŠMT , Radka Podlipná
- Physical map of the wheat chromosome 4AL and positional cloning of a gene for yield , GA ČR , Jaroslav Doležel
- The role of the exocyst complex in the plant-pathogen interaction , GA ČR , Tamara Pečenková
- Monitoring of chlorine in the forest ecosystem – its cycling and effects , EHP/Norsko
- Anti-inflammatory activity of plant quinones , GA ČR , Přemysl Landa
- Aurora kinases and their role in cell division of acentrosomal plant cells , GA ČR , Beáta Petrovská
- Biosafe plant virus expression system for transient production of human papillomavirus oncoproteins and their use for therapeutic vaccine development , GA ČR , Noemi Čeřovská
- Chracterisation of NADPH oxidase from tobacco pollen and its role in regulation of polar cell expansion , GA ČR , Martin Potocký