Completed project

National Contact Centre - Women and Science III.

Project duration: 
2008 - 2012

A follow-up grant, the activities the Center develops fall into two basic lines. The first is to support women researchers' participation in European research, promote equal opportunities in science and research and support early career researchers, including the development of practical tools for achieving these objectives and making recommendations for policy-making . The second line is the theoretical exploration of feminist epistemology and science studies from a gender perspective on issues of knowledge production, power and gender. The Centre carried out the following projects: information portal Infomat , Young Talents (this project built on the project Woman of the Month and aimed to present successful young women researchers). The Center also published its own newsletter and online magazine Context: Journal for gender and knowledge. Since 2005, the Centre participated in the European Researchers' Night events.

public policy
Grant agency: 
Government ministry project

Project publications (total 32, displaying 11 - 20)

Linková, Marcela

The article is a review of a publication by M. Lamont How Professors Think. Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgement, which concentrates on analysis the peer review system in social sciences and humanities (to be concrete on anthropology, economics, English literature, history, philosophy and political science).

gender, methodology, public opinion
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Published review
Linková, Marcela, Tenglerová, Hana

The paper is a report on the conference Beyond the Leaky Pipeline: Challenges for Research on Gender and Science, the final conference to the project Meta-analysis of gender and science research, held in Brussels on 19 and 20 October 2010. It analyses the discoursive frameworks used at the conference to frame the issue of gender equality in science and low representation of women in science.

gender, social inequalities, sociology of science
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Non-peer-reviewed article
Vohlídalová, Marta, Formánková, Lenka

The findings reveal the ambivalent nature of part-time work in the Czech Republic. On one hand, part-time contracts are used in terms of positive flexibility – as a tool for women to combine working life with care for small children. On the other hand, the results show, that part-time work is predominant among groups marginalized in the labour and these jobs are therefore associated with lower level of security and higher risk of poverty.

gender, wages and incomes, work
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Vohlídalová, Marta

The paper focuses on perceptions and constructions of sexual harassment by students and the gap between students’ individual definitions and expert definitions of sexual harassment. The paper centres on two main research questions: i) how do studentsperceive sexual harassment and ii) what are the factors and dimensions that contribute to particular behaviour being labelled assexual harassment? The study is based on qualitative in-depth interviews with students.

gender, sexuality, education
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Vohlídalová, Marta, Tupá, Barbora, Šaldová, Kateřina

The problem of sexual harassment at universities has been “explored” by western and primarily American sociology in the middle of the 1970s. Since then, anti-harassment policies and procedures (including the follow-up victim care) have been established at most of the Anglo-Saxon universities designing how to deal with “harassers” as well as “victims”. In the Czech Republic, an empirical research concerning the issue as well as university anti-harassment policies are still missing.

gender, sexuality, education
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Cidlinská, Kateřina, Havelková, Barbara

Many European states, including the Czech Republic, are facing high default rate on child support payments. In combination with a high divorce rate and, in some states, ineffective law enforcement, this has become a dire problem and one that has gender repercussions. In an effort to solve this situation, almost half of EU member states have adopted a system of state advances on child maintenance. The Czech Republic is not one of them.

gender, care, social policy
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Linková, Marcela, Stöckelová, Tereza

In recent decades, research has undergone major changes, resulting in radical shifts in patterns of governance. In this process, external forms of research assessment have developed as a proxy for researchers’ and research institutions’ accountability to society. In this paper we focus on the developments of research assessment in the Czech Republic.

sociology of science
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Linková, Marcela

European science policy turned its attention to gender equality at the end of the 20th century, influencing to a smaller or greater extent three Framework Programmes supporting European research and technological development (the fifth, sixth and seventh). Gender equality is also an important component of the current negotiations of the next framework programme titled Horizon 2002 for the period 2013-2020.

EU, gender, sociology of science
Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Tenglerová, Hana

Počet žen, které pracují ve vědě, je nízký (25 %). ČR v tomto ohledu zaostává jak za průměrem EU, tak ve srovnání s novými členskými státy. Navíc od roku 2001 zůstává podíl vědců vůči vědkyním na stejné úrovni. V české vědě také panuje vysoká míra horizontální a vertikální segregace. Jak na tuto situaci reagují jednotlivci a instituce? Postavení žen ve vědě se pomalu stávají tématem, kterému státní, výzkumné a vědecké instituce začínají věnovat pozornost.

Gender & sociologie
Type of publication:
Other publication
Tenglerová, Hana, Cidlinská, Kateřina, Linková, Marcela

Z pohledu statistických údajů se situace v ČR ve srovnání s rokem 2009 nijak zásadně nezměnila, téma podpory genderové rovnosti je stále na okraji zájmu institucí výzkumu, vývoje a inovací. Dílčí pozitivní posuny nemají zásadní strukturální charakter. Netečnost místních institucí je o to zřetelnější, porovnáme-li ji s přístupem institucí v zahraničí.

National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Type of publication:
Other publication


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