Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Effects of Inoculum Additions in the Presence of a Preestablished Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Community
Janoušková M., Krak K., Wagg C., Štorchová H., Caklová P., Vosatka M.APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 79 : 6507-6515 , 2013
Keywords: Glomus, arbuscular mycorrhiza, DNA quantification
Intraradical dynamics of two coexisting isolates of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices sensu lato as estimated by real-time PCR of mitochondrial DNA
Karol Krak, Martina Janoušková, Petra Caklová, Miroslav Vosátka, Helena ŠtorchováAPPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 78 : 3630-3637 , 2012
Keywords: Coexistence, arbuscular mycorrhiza, real-time PCR, mitochondrial DNA