The project aims at investigating the phenomenon of progressively partial endoreduplication (PPE) that
has recently been discovered in the genome of some orchids. Whereas both the generative and somatic
polyploidy have been intensively researched, nothing is known about the patterns and processes behind
the PPE. With the aid of advanced molecular cytogenetic techniques (flow cytometry and sorting, Illumina
next-generation sequencing, FISH), we will address the incidence of PPE across the family Orchidaceae and
search for correlations with phylogeny and species traits. Ludisia discolor, a taxon with a small genome size
and ca 50% PPE, will serve as a model system to elucidate differences in sequence composition between
normal (2C) and partially reduplicated genomes. To localize structural changes in the genome and assess
their phylogenetic stability, repetitive elements showing different quantities will be mapped to interphase
nuclei and somatic chromosomes of Ludisia and related species. The results will provide a new level of
understanding of genome-wide processes in eukaryotes.