A Brief History of IOCB...en/cz
Mandatorily Published Informationen/cz
International Advisory Boarden/cz
IOCB Adjunct Professorsen/cz
Most Significant Publicationsen/cz
Invited Lectures 2018en/cz
IOCB Postdoctoral Projectsen/cz
Granted Projects - 2017en/cz
Granted Projects - 2016en/cz
Granted Projects - 2015en/cz
Granted Projects - 2014en/cz
Granted Projects - 2013en/cz
Granted Projects - 2012en/cz
Granted Projects - 2011en/cz
Granted Projects - 2010en/cz
Granted Projects - 2009en/cz
Granted Projects - 2008en/cz
Granted Projects - 2007en/cz
Granted Projects - 2006en/cz
Granted Projects - 2005en/cz
Granted Programs - 2013en/cz
Granted Programs - 2010en/cz
Granted Programs - 2008en/cz
Analytical Chemistryen/cz
Analytical Chemistryen/cz
Analytical Chemistryen/cz
Analytical Chemistry en/cz
Analytical Chemistry en/cz
Analytical Chemistryen/cz
Analytical Chemistryen/cz
Analytical Chemistryen/cz
Dream Chemistry Award en/cz
Summer Student Program '17en/cz
IOCB Area Reconstructionen/cz
Technology Transfer Officeen/cz
Center for Development of Original Drugsen/cz
Members of the Consortiumen/cz
Experientia Foundation en/cz
M. Roeselová Foundationen/cz
Martina Roeselová Fellowshipen/cz
Support the Foundationen/cz
Large MS Instrumentsen/cz
Specialized GC-MS Systemsen/cz
Standard GC-MS Systemsen/cz
Capillary Electrophoresisen/cz
Microscale Thermophoresis en/cz
UV-VIS, IR, Raman and CD en/cz
Emission Spectrometersen/cz
IR and Raman Spectrometersen/cz
UV-VIS-NF Spectrometersen/cz
Optical and Optoelectronic Instrumentsen/cz
Electron and AFM Microscopesen/cz
Imaging, Reading & Documentationen/cz
Polarization Microscopesen/cz
Proteine & Peptide Analysis & Synthesisen/cz
International Advisory Boarden/cz
Personnel Departmenten/cz
Grant Projects Officeen/cz
Patent and License Officeen/cz
Methodological Boarden/cz
Information Technology and Servicesen/cz
Technical-Economic Administrationen/cz
Accounting and Payroll Departmenten/cz
Material-Technical Support and Storageen/cz
Technical Administration and Maintenanceen/cz
Internal Administration and Transporten/cz
Junior Research Groupsen/cz
Senior Research Groupsen/cz
Targeted Research Groupsen/cz
Antimicrobial Peptidesen/cz
Steroidal Inhibitorsen/cz
Research-Service Groupsen/cz
Biochemical Pharmacologyen/cz
Open Access Instrumentsen/cz
EIC - Electrospray Ion Calculatoren/cz
PMC - Peptide Mass Calculatoren/cz
Mini-School of Mass Spectrometryen/cz
NMR and Molecular Spectroscopyen/cz
Molecular Spectroscopy - What We Know ?en/cz
Molecular Spectroscopyen/cz
Analytical Laboratoryen/cz
Methods & Sample Requirementsen/cz
Downloadable Informationen/cz
Development Workshopsen/cz
Fraction collector FGC 10-21en/cz
Laboratory of Radioisotopesen/cz
Biochemistry and Molecular Biologyen/cz
Selected Publicationsen/cz
Approach & Techniquesen/cz
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistryen/cz
Hana Macíčková Cahováen/cz
Chemistry of Natural Productsen/cz
Former Foreign Membersen/cz
Computational Chemistryen/cz
Former Members and Visitorsen/cz
Previous Scientific Work en/cz
Synthetic Nanochemistryen/cz