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Borg-Karlson A.K., Tengo J., Valterová I., Unelius C.R., Taghizadeh T., Tolasch T., Francke W.:
(S)-(+)-linalool, a mate attractant pheromone component in the bee Colletes cunicularius.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 (1): 1-14, 2003.

Gilbert M., Svatoš A., Lehmann M., Bacher S.:
Spatial patterns and infestation processes in the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella: a tale of two cities.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107 (1): 25-37, 2003.

Hansson B.S., Carlsson M.A., Kalinová B.:
Olfactory activation patterns in the antennal lobe of the sphinx moth, Manduca sexta.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 189 (4): 301-308, 2003.

Jehlička J., Svatoš A., Frank O., Uhlík F.:
Evidence for fullerenes in solid bitumen from pillow lavas of proterozoic age from Mítov (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic).
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (8): 1495-1506, 2003.

Kalinová B., Svatoš A., Kindl J., Hovorka O., Hrdý I., Kuldová J., Hoskovec M.:
Sex pheromone of horse-chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella and its use in a pheromone-based monitoring system.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 (2): 387-404, 2003.

Klusák V., Havlas Z., Rulíšek L., Vondrášek J., Svatoš A.:
Sexual attraction in the silkworm moth: Nature of binding of bombykol in pheromone binding protein - An ab initio study.
Chemistry & Biology 10 (4): 331-340, 2003.

Lindmark-Henriksson M., Isaksson D., Sjodin K., Hogberg H.E., Vaněk T., Valterová I.:
Transformation of α-pinene using Picea abies suspension culture.
Journal of Natural Products 66 (3): 337-343, 2003.

Luxová A., Valterová I., Stránský K., Hovorka O., Svatoš A.:
Biosynthetic studies on marking pheromones of bumblebee males.
Chemoecology 13 (2): 81-87, 2003.

Sovová H., Zarevúcka M.:
Lipase-catalysed hydrolysis of blackcurrant oil in supercritical carbon dioxide.
Chemical Engineering Science 58 (11): 2339-2350, 2003.

Šobotník J., Weyda F.:
Ultrastructural ontogeny of the labial gland apparatus in termite Prorhinotermes simplex (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae).
Arthropod Structure & Development 31 (4): 255-270, 2003.

Šobotník J., Weyda F., Hanus R.:
Ultrastructure of epidermal glands in neotenic reproductives of the termite Prorhinotermes simplex
(Isoptera : Rhinotermitidae).

Arthropod Structure & Development 32 (2-3): 201-208, 2003.

Terzo M., Valterová I., Urbanová K., Rasmont P.:
About necessity to redescribe sexual pheromones of male bumblebees [Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombini] published before 1996 for their use in phylogenetic studies.
Phytoprotection 84 (2): 39-49, 2003.

Vaněk T., Novotný M., Podlipná R., Šaman D., Valterová I.:
Biotransformation of citronellal by Solanum aviculare suspension cultures: Preparation of p-menthane-3,8-diols and determination of their absolute configurations.
Journal of Natural Products 66 (9): 1239-1241, 2003.

Vrkočová P., Kalinová B., Valterová I., Koutek B.:
Analysis of the European oak bark beetle (Scolytus intricatus) extracts using hyphenated and chiral chromatography techniques.
Talanta 59 (1): 107-114, 2003.

Zarevúcka M., Sochůrková P., Wimmer Z., Šaman D.:
Stereoselective reduction of 2-substituted cyclohexanones by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Biotechnology Letters 25 (12): 987-992, 2003.

Zarevúcka M., Vacek M., Wimmer Z., Stránský K., Koutek B., Demnerová K.:
Enzymic transformations of blackcurrant oil: Enrichment with γ-linolenic acid and α-linolenic acid.
Chemické Listy 97 (4): 206-213, 2003.