The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

The 9th COMPASS Programmatic Conference was held at the Institute of Plasma Physics

On November 21 - 22, 2017, the 9th COMPASS Programmatic Conference was held at the Institute of Plasma Physics. 

The conference is traditionally combined with the meeting of the International Board of Advisors (IBA). The International Board of Advisors was estabilished in 1999 to help with the formulation of the scientific programme, and to assess the scientific achievements of the EURATOM Association.

The Board meets once per year in Prague. Recently, it turned out practical to align the meeting with the COMPASS Programmatic Conference so that the IBA members can get a first-hand information on the status of this Association’s flagship project. However, also all other Association’s activities, the main results achieved during the year, and the plans for the next period are presented. The Board then holds a discussion and comes up with conclusions and recommendations which are minuted.


Strategie AV21 Deputy director of IPP welcomes the participants of the conference

Strategie AV21 Director of IPP presents the overview of recent COMPASS activities

Strategie AV21 Prof. Guido Van Oost

Strategie AV21 Dr. Karl Krieger from IPP Garching





























16 Nov 2017