Almost a half of Czech citizens think that most of unemployed people can not get suitable job.Almost a quarter of czech citizens share an opinion that unemployed people do not want to work and a fifth of responents think that unemployed people can not get any job.Czech people regard current situation of unemployment as very high.6 out of 10 respondents stated that they would look for concrete job in case they were unemployed, on contrary almost 4 out of 10 said they would look for any job.

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In October 2005 CVVM also focused on economic situation of czech

households.More than a half of respondents(56%)stated they have hardly

enough money for household. 40% of citizens said that they have enough

money for household. Almost two thirds of people suppose their household

to be neither rich nor poor.During last year a third of

respondents´households had financial problems.


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As a part of October survey there were some questions about social conditions and another part of survey was dedicated to topic, how citizens evaluate

current situation in Czech Republic in some areas of life and run of society.All respondents were interoggated with question, how they would evaluate

current situation in Czech Republic in these cases : a chance to get a flat, financial situation to start a family, chance to have children, social security

for the elderly,the handicapped,a chance to get a job, a chance to be employed, accessibility of education and health care.

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Almost a half of czech population older than 15 years think, they can find a job in their region, but it is difficult to find a suitable job there. Only 3 % of Czech citizens say there is no problem to find any job in their region, on contrary almost two fifths of respondents expressed their opinion, that it is difficult to find any job in their region. 7% of citizens suppose to find a job to be impossible in their region.

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In the case of losing a job, people would usually look for a new one, usually a specific job that would correspond to their idea of a new job defined in advance (62%) More than one third of respondents (37%) stated that they would accept any job in this situation. Highly qualified people, chiefmen, self- gainfully employed, respondents with good standart of living, university graduates, people with passed secondary school leaving exam, students would usually look for a specific job.

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In April CVVM focused also on citizens‘ attitudes to work. Economically active Czech citizens suppose having a job to be the most important thing. The most of them consider a job, they can enjoy, to be very important. At the third place of importance

was stated a job, that brings a lot of money. Almost 8 out of 10 economically active Czech citizens think, they have job, that is useful for society and same number of repondents stated they have job, that they enjoy.

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More than three fifths of economically active Czech citizens are satisfied with their jobs. Another three out of ten respondents state that they are half satisfied and half unsatisfied. Job dissatisfaction was expressed by only 8% of respondents. Entrepreneurs and sole-traders are more satisfied with their jobs than people who are employees.

Chiefs and high qualified specialized workers are most satisfied employees.

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In April 2005, 36% of respondents characterised the standard of living of their household to be good, 22% share the opposite opinion and 41% of respondents characterised it as neither good nor bad. 6% of citizens indicated their household to be rich, whilst 30% consider it to be poor. Almost two thirds of respondents (63%) regard their household as neither rich nor poor. Problems with current budget of their household were stated by 61% of respondents, on the other hand 35% said they have no problems with budget of the household.

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12% of respondents were interested in work abroad, 7% respondents were no sure about it.

In comparison to a half of year 2003, interest in work abroad arose. While in 2003 only six respondents wanted to leave for a job abroad, in December 2004 it was 12 % of repondents.

Czech citizens want to work in Germany or in United Kingdom (both 24 % of repondents)

Little less people would like to work in the USA and in Ireland.

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Between November and December 2004 more than a third of repondents (36%) supposed the living standart of their household to be good. 40 %of repondents regard it as neither good or bad and almost a quarter of respondents(24%) consider living standart of their household to be bad. A half of respondents judge their economic situation of their households to be quite satisfactory and 4% assess it to be very satisfactory.

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