The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

Miroslav Krůs and Karel Žídek were awarded by the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences


On June 6, 2017, the Otto Wichterle Award 2017 was given by the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, prof. Eva Zažímalová. She awarded young scientists who have successfully fulfilled an important scientific task.

6 Jun 2017


Prof. Allen Boozer, one of the most recognised physicists in the field of magnetically confined plasmas, visited IPP


On June 5, prof. Allen Boozer one of the most recognised physicists in the field of magnetically confined plasma visited IPP. 

5 Jun 2017


IPP organized the "EUROfusion Liquid Metal Strategy Meeting"


The EUROfusion Liquid Metal Strategy Meeting was held in IPP on May 10-11, 2017.

12 May 2017


2nd International Workshop „Advances in Materials Development” was held at IPP in Prague


On April 24 - 25 the 2nd International Workshop „Advances in Materials Development” was held at IPP in Prague.

25 Apr 2017


IPP participated on the Career Day for Physics 2017


IPP participated on the Career Day for Physics 2017 which focused on students and graduates of physics and related fileds.

25 Apr 2017


Dr. Hyung Taek Kim visited IPP


On April 24, 2017 Dr. Hyung Taek Kim from the Advanced Photonics Research Institute (Gwangju, Korea) visited IPP in Prague.


23 Apr 2017
