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This article investigates and tests the relationship between values (PVQ scale) and personality traits (NEO-FFI) using non-recursive structural modelling while controlling for other potentially significant variables (e.g. age, gender, attractiveness, cognitive skills), an approach that is proposed as an alternative to correlation and regression analyses, which are more common in this type of psychological research.
This article explores the development of part-time employment in Central and Eastern Europe and compares it to Western Europe. On the macro level it examines the role of the business cycle and its effect on part-time employment in the two groups of countries since 2001. The key result reveals that contrary to the West, the business cycle development exerts a significant negative effect on the part-time employment rate in Eastern Europe.
Social inequalities have increased in the Czech Republic since the collapse of communism. While this has not led to an intensification of territorial inequalities, yet the analysis of the Prague metropolitan area presented in this chapter shows that pressure toward socio-spatial inequalities might increase in the near future.
About this book
Cílem této studie je přinést do českého prostředí první poznatky o genderu a energetice a ukázat, proč a jak genderovou rovnost v oblasti energetiky začít sledovat. Vycházely jsme přitom z pojetí energetiky, které chápe energetiku jako ukotvenou v sociálních institucích a ovlivněnou společenskými hodnotami.
Kvalitativní studie se zaměřila na problematiku rovného přístupu žen (a mužů) do manažerských a řídicích pozic v jednom sociálním a jednom konvenčním podniku v České republice. Výsledky studie prokazují nedostatek genderové citlivosti k diskriminaci na základě genderu, opakování genderových stereotypů a chybějící interní politiku (formální postupy) na podporu žen ve vedoucích pozicích ve sledovaných firmách.
The qualitative study is focused on the issue of equal access of women (and men) into managerial and decision-making positions in a social enterprise and conventional one in the Czech Republic. The results of the study reflect a lack of focus on gender equality, low sensitivity to gender based discrimination, recurrence of gender stereotypes and the lack of internal policies (formal procedures) to promote women in leadership positions in the surveyed firms.
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