An early November survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre was focused on the split of Czechoslovak federation twenty years ago.

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Novembers' survey of CVVM comprised questions concerning the twentieth anniversary of the split of Czechoslovakia and the emergence of the independent Czech state. CVVM also asked about the contemporary relation of Czechs towards Slovaks. On the one hand, we made an inquiry about the interest of Czechs in different areas of life in Slovakia, on the other hand, we focused on the number of information about the life in Slovakia that Czechs have to their disposal. In comparison with other areas of life, Czechs are especially interested in the life of ordinary people in Slovakia, but they don't have enough information about it.

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September survey of CVVM examined general political orientation of people and their views on why people join political parties.

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In May 2012, CVVM included to the survey a question about satisfaction with some areas in the Czech Republic. Citizens also responded to the question whether the evaluated areas need the reforms, and CVVM investigated to what extent the Czechs know planned reforms.

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In March 2012, CVVM asked questions concerning the topic of corruption. Questions in the survey regarded the opinion on how widespread is taking of bribes among Czech public officials and the opinion on the level of corruption in different institutions and areas of public life. Obtained values are compared with results measured in previous years.

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In February 2012 CVVM investigated how citizens perceive the personality of the late former President Vaclav Havel. Under the umbrella of CEORG in February of this year some questions from the survey were also enquired among respondents in Poland, Hungary and the Slovak Republic.

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As a part of March CVVM survey there was a question investigating citizens' trust to Courts, Police, Army, Media, Labour Unions, Churches, Banks and NGOs. The press information covers also a longterm development of trust to these public institutions.

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In February survey of CVVM respondents had to assess menace impact of selected groups in the Czech Republic. They were also collected views on threats by war, epidemics, natural disasters, economic crisis or resource crisis.
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In February this year, respondents of the Public Opinion Research Centre evaluated the urgency of solve in some areas of public life. The most urgent problem is supposed to be corruption and 80 % of respondents supposed the sollution of corruption to be very urgent, 15 % rather urgent.
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The September survey of CVVM contained several questions aimed at the general political orientation of the citizens.

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