Almost three quarters of citizens have some kinds of worries. Czech citizens are mostly worried about losing their job. More than a third out of those who have some kinds of worries are worried about their job.A quarter of respondents are worried about their health and they are afraid of being ill. Major part of respondents fear of losing their standart of living, shortage of money and poverty.

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In February survey CVVM was interested in relationships of public to other nations and nationalities.In survey there were probed relationships of Czech to nationalities living in this country and attitudes of czech citizens to nationalities in general. Respondents marked their relationship to separeted nations and nationalities by mark 1 – 7, very sympathetic nation. 7- very non-sympathetic. From the nationalities living in this country, we have the best relations with citizens of the Czech nationality and Slovaks.

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Only 3 % of citizens addressed in February survey, think that everybody should have the possibility to come to the Czech Republic and live there . Almost three quarters share opposite opinion.Foreigners living in the Czech epublic should adapt to our living habits as much as possible, which is opinion of almost 60 % of respondents.Foreigners should adopt to local living habits partially, that is opinion of a third of respondents.

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In October 2004 some addressed citizens had to judge how are some kinds of behaviour acceptable and non-acceptable. Most of the monitored kinds of behaviour was more or less acceptable for respondents. The only statement that could be called acceptable was protection of private property though the thief could be injured or killed.

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Traditionally, great importance is atributed to family values, more than three quarters placed family values on a first place.It is followed by another values , which are friends and work, than behind these values there is free-time and particularly low position of importance has politics and religion. On a list of basic values according to its importance, the Truth and freedom for everybody occupy the highest positions.

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The term – social cohesion is not well known in public. Only 27 % stated they know about it, 55% answered, they have never heard about it, 18% were not sure about it.Almost three quarters of citizens(74%) think it is worth of thinking about it ,two fifths of respondents regard social cohesion as useful.The survey proved, that citizens critically evaluate relationships among people in czech society.

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Citizens(90%) said their „ yes“ for keeping schoolsystem to be free of charge.

89% of respondents think, there should exist life-imprisonment for people who commit serious crimes repeatedly. 81% of citizens would welcome full employment ensured by the state. One of supported aims is limiting of immigration from problematic states (76% of respondents).64% of czech citizens wish the taxes for rich people were higher.

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In the June survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, among other things we were interested in how Czech citizens trusted people from various countries. Czechs trust each other the most. The second place on the hypothetical ladder of trust is occupied by Slovaks. More than two thirds of respondents also expressed trust towards French (71 %), Poles (71 %) and Brits (66 %). The Czech population most often distrusts Germans (distrust was voiced by 55 % of respondents), Romanians (51 %) and Turks (43 %).

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Traditionally, great importance is attributed to family values. Helping their family and friends and living in a satisfied family is considered as being equally important by 97 % of the approached citizens. Similarly, the absolute majority of respondents (97 %) appreciate having in their lives friends who they get on well with. The items, which obtained the highest degree of support during the entire monitored period, are all statements relating to employment.

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Almost 60 % of respondents think that the ideal age for a father at the birth of his first child should range from 25 to 29 years of age. A third of the people approached gave the age over 29 and less than 9 % the age under 25. For judging the ideal age of a mother there is a prevailing opinion (51 % of respondents) that a woman should give birth to her first child before 24 years of age. 44 % of respondents stated the age range between 25 and 29 and only less than 5 % consider the age of 30 or more to be the best for the birth of the first child.

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