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Cílem příspěvku je představit návrh na zveřejnění dat o kriminalitě na úrovni ulic v podmínkách českých měst. Příspěvek nejprve informuje čtenáře o aktuálních výzkumech ve světě, které se věnují analýzám kriminality na úrovni ulic. Ze zahraničních výzkumů víme, že pokud analyzujeme kriminalitu na mikro-úrovni uličních segmentů, tak je polovina trestné činnosti koncentrována na pouhých pěti procentech segmentů.
This paper investigates the role of civic culture and other political factors in support for democracy in the Czech Republic during the decade following EU accession. The goal is to assess the validity of civic virtue theory and to compare the impact of these factors on affective legitimacy using the ISSP Citizenship modules 2004 and 2014.
Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a survey method for hidden populations and, as such, it offers a suitable approach for sampling the homeless. Surprisingly, the practical use of RDS in surveying homeless populations has only sporadically been described in the professional literature so far, and the specifics of using RDS for sampling this group have not been reflected in depth.
Studium mechanismů, které mohou narušovat sociální soudržnost společnosti, patří mezi základní témata sociologického výzkumu. Riziko sociálního znevýhodnění je ovlivněno dominantně individuálními faktory, ale síla působení těchto faktorů závisí na prostředí, kde obyvatelé žijí. V Česku dochází ke kumulaci různých forem sociálního znevýhodnění ve venkovském území.
Předchozí výzkum periferních území umožnil identifikovat některá problémová území a zacílit pozornost na jejich studium. Nicméně se jednalo většinou o vymezení jednoho typu periferního území. Uživatel výzkumu tak nemohl identifikovat, zdali je perifernost území způsobována nedostatkem pracovních příležitostí, nebo komplikovanou demografickou situací, nebo nevyhovujícím bytovým fondem.
A key issue in socio-economic geography is to understand how regional and social polarisation shapes the territorial organisation of society. We argue that effects of polarisation are not translated simply and straightforwardly in a whole region, but vary to a large extent with respect to different types of accessibility areas. We applied the time-accessibility framework to classify a territory into urban, peri-urban, rural, and remote rural areas at a national and regional scale.
The spatial concentration of social disadvantage in rural areas not only poses a risk to social cohesion but also represents a challenge for public policy. This article draws on a multidimensional concept of disadvantage to study spatial aspects of disadvantage in Czech rural areas. Current studies aimed at identifying ‘inner peripheries’ as areas with an increased risk of social exclusion fail to distinguish between different forms of disadvantage.
The concept of cultural planning is relatively well-established in many countries as a tool which enables municipalities to use their potential in local development, yet still notwell-known and debated among scholars, practitioners, or the wider public in Central Europe, including in the Czech Republic.
This bilingual, English-Czech atlas of Czechoslovakia is one of the first to use statistical data to evaluate spatial aspects of population development over time. Its twelve chapters present various themes relating directly to population from a historical perspective, such as demographic structures and processes, migration, economic structure, cultural structure, social status, crime, and elections.
Historický atlas obyvatelstva českých zemí je jedním z prvních děl hodnotících prostorové aspekty téměř stoletého vývoje obyvatelstva na dnešním území Česka. V celkem dvanácti kapitolách jsou ve vývojovém srovnání představena témata jako migrace, demografická, ekonomická a kulturní struktura, sociální status, kriminalita nebo volby. K zachycení populačního vývoje a jeho prostorové diferenciace jsou poněkud netradičně využívána hůře dostupná historická statistická data.
This bilingual, English-Czech atlas of Czechoslovakia is one of the first to use statistical data to evaluate spatial aspects of population development over time. Its twelve chapters present various themes relating directly to population from a historical perspective, such as demographic structures and processes, migration, economic structure, cultural structure, social status, crime, and elections.
Historický atlas obyvatelstva českých zemí je jedním z prvních děl hodnotících prostorové aspekty téměř stoletého vývoje obyvatelstva na dnešním území Česka. V celkem dvanácti kapitolách jsou ve vývojovém srovnání představena témata jako migrace, demografická, ekonomická a kulturní struktura, sociální status, kriminalita nebo volby. K zachycení populačního vývoje a jeho prostorové diferenciace jsou poněkud netradičně využívána hůře dostupná historická statistická data.
The article uses photovoice to explore the everyday geography of homelessness and its affective dimension. We focus on two aspects of the everyday geography captured by photovoice: (1) movement in space and (2) the performativity of heterotopic places. The aim is to understand how the research partners as actors (re)present and (re)construct their everyday geography by visual means and how they relate to it affectively (or otherwise).
Social inequalities have increased in the Czech Republic since the collapse of communism. While this has not led to an intensification of territorial inequalities, yet the analysis of the Prague metropolitan area presented in this chapter shows that pressure toward socio-spatial inequalities might increase in the near future.
The book chapter analyzes profound economic and political changes in Czech society after 1989 from spatial perspective. The Czech society was very egalitarian in socio-economic terms at the end of 1980’s. The economic transformation dramatically changed the institutional setting, the ownerships structure and “the rule of the game” in economy, which opened the way for more social diversity and inequality.
Election laws regulate the number of deputies who are elected in individual electoral districts, and set them in relation to the population, respectively to the number of voters participating in elections in individual regions. Elected deputies could thus be regarded as political representatives of citizens living in electoral districts. However, under systems of proportional representation, current deputies represent the ideology of the party to which they belong rather than the region.
The article focuses on an analysis of the professions of Czech deputies in the interwar period and in the period after 1989. Based on the theoretical framework of representation we assume that voting decisions are influenced not only by party electoral programs, but also by the individual characteristics of candidates. Candidate professions may indicate whether they are considered to be sufficiently qualified and whether they are considered to represent the interests of voters.
The goal of this paper is to describe linguistic and issue differences in election manifestos of the parties involved in the Czech 2012 regional election and contribute to a better understanding of second-order election (SOE) theory on a discursive level. The year 2012 brought two main changes: a significant success of the Communist Party and a rise of regional parties, movements and coalitions.