Institute of Physics
Department of Structure Analysis
Cukrovarnicka 10
16253 Praha 6
Czech Republic
July 01, 2011
Maintenance release of Jana2006 for Windows
can be obtained in Download area.
It cumulates small improvements before larger changes planned for the summer 2011.
May 03, 2011
Maintenance release of Jana2006 for Windows
can be obtained in Download area.
It cumulates various improvements and bug fixes.
More ....
October 23, 2010
Maintenance release of Jana2006 for Windows
can be obtained in Download area.
It cumulates various improvements and bug fixes.
More ....
April 1, 2010
Maintenance release of Jana2006 for Windows
can be obtained in Download area.
It cumulates various improvements and bug fixes.
More ....
October 21, 2009
Maintenance release of Jana2006 for Windows
can be obtained in Download area.
It cumulates various improvements and bug fixes.
More ....
September 16, 2009
Ad hoc workshops on Jana.
We offer informal two days workshops on topics selected by paticipants.
More ... .
October 23, 2008
Maintenance release of Jana2006 for Windows
can be obtained in Download area.
It cumulates various improvements and bug fixes.
More ....
October 14, 2008
Eset NOD32 antivirus slows down Jana2006. More ...
July 25, 2008
The first
version of Jana2006 for Windows.
This program is the successor of Jana2000. Currently only Windows version is available,
Unix version as well as manual are under development. The Stable version will be changed
occassionally, the everyday work will be immediately available in the Latest version.
Registered users will be informed about new Stable versions.
Jana2006 can be obtained in Download area.
July 22, 2008
New web page for Jana
contains all information about Jana2006 and the previous version Jana2000.
We have partially changed also download locations, please do not use old links.
December 28, 2007
Final version of Jana2000 -
see the Download area.
No further development is expected in Jana2000.
Ad hoc workshops on Jana [Next: December 2011]
Jana2006 is a crystallographic program focused to solution,
refinement and interpretation of difficult, especially modulated structures. It calculates structures
having up to three modulation vectors from powder as well as single crystal data measured with X-ray
or neutron diffraction. The input diffraction data can be unlimitedly combined, the combination of powder
neutron data with single crystal X-ray data being a typical example. The structure solution can be
done using the built-in charge flipping algorithm or by calling an external direct methods program.
Jana can handle multiphase structures (for both powder and single crystal data), merohedric
twins as well as twins with partial overlap of diffraction spots, commensurate and
composite structures. It contains powerful transformation tools for symmetry (group-subgroup relations),
cell parameters and commensurate-supercell relations. Wide scale of constrains and restrains is available
including a powerful rigid body approach and possibility to define a local symmetry affecting only part of
the structure. The latest development of Jana concerns magnetic structures.
More about Jana2006 (PowerPoint presentation, 10MB)
Jana system is a freeware but we are interested who is using it. We would like our users to
register. Registered users get e-mails
about major updates.
Jana2000: development of this program has been finished. Jana2000 input files can be used in
Jana2006, the necessary conversions are done automatically.
Jana2006 for UNIX: porting of Jana2006 to UNIX is in progress but it is not yet finished.
User manuals: not yet available. The old manuals for Jana98 and Jana2000 are still partially useful.
User manuals: not yet available. The old manuals for Jana98 and Jana2000 are still partially useful.
Program | Version string | Download from |
Jana2006 for Windows, STABLE | 01/04/2010 | janainst.msi
Using old way of installation through janainst.exe is not recommended. Janainst.exe can still be obtained with anonymous ftp to |
Jana2006 for Unix, STABLE | - - - - | not available |
Jana2006 for Windows, LATEST | janainst.msi
Using old way of installation through janainst.exe is not recommended. Janainst.exe can still be obtained with anonymous ftp to |
Jana2006 for Unix, LATEST | - - - - | not available |
Jana2000 for Windows, FINAL | janainst.exe |
Jana2000 for Unix, FINAL (jana2000Pack.exe contains installation procedure) |
18/12/2007 | jana2000Pack.exe.gz jana2000.tar.gz Debroglie's repository (third party) |
Manuals (partially useful also for Jana2006) | - - - - |
manual2000_part1.pdf superflip_user_manual.pdf |
Cookbook Jana Cookbook cumulates examples from Jana workhops. The last version is always copied here together with input data and installation files. |
- - - - | (~50MB, version June 2011) |
STABLE versions are not frequently changed, registered users get information
about their releases. LATEST versions are changed frequently and contain the latest
development. FINAL versions are not further developed. BETA versions are pre-releases
of new major upgrades.
Jana2006 for Windows.
Execute janainst.msi and follow the instructions. Execute jana2006.exe and
check the version string in Tools->About Jana2006.
Jana2006 for Windows, old way of installation
from janainst.exe.
Follow the instructions for Jana2000. For the system environment variable
use the name JANA2006DIR instead of JANADIR.
Jana2006 for UNIX.
Unix version is not yet available.
Jana2000 for Windows.
Execute the self-extracting archive janainst.exe. Before the extraction
choose installation directory. After the extraction go to Control panel
- System - Advanced - Environment variables and set the system-wide
environment variable JANADIR to the name of the installation directory.
Go to Display Properties - Effects and make sure Clear type fonts
are not used for smoothing edges of screen fonts.
Execute jana2000.exe.
For upgrade execute the self-extracting archive janainst.exe and choose the same installation directory where the original version of Jana2000 has been installed.
For upgrade execute the self-extracting archive janainst.exe and choose the same installation directory where the original version of Jana2000 has been installed.
Jana2000 for UNIX, fresh installation.
Requisities: FORTRAN compiler, C compiler, SDK for X11.
Download jana2000Pack.exe and put it one level above the future
installation directory (for jana2000Pack.exe in directory xxx, the
installation directory will be xxx/jana2000). Start csh or tcsh,
execute `source jana2000Pack.exe' and follow instructions
of the installation procedure. No JANADIR is necessary if the installation
stays in the default directory.
Common troubleshooting for Windows.
- Installation from janainst.exe: Make sure that JANADIR or JANA2006DIR contains correct name of installation directory.
- Installation from CD: Make sure that files copied from CD are not read-only.
- Jana2000 cannot be used with Clear type fonts.
- Installation directory should not be Desktop (too complicated pathname) or flashdisk (too slow)
- Installation from janainst.msi over older version installed from
janainst.exe: in most cases it runs normally. The installation procedure sets
automatically system environment variable JANA2006DIR but does not
define the user environment variable. In case of version mismatch please
ensure that the user variable JANA2006DIR is undefined.
In rare cases the installation from janainst.msi leaves the original files unchanged. This can be recognized in Tools->About where the version string is not updated after installation. In such case the installation directory of Jana2006 should be deleted (keep copy of ini and hst file) as well as the user or system environment variable JANA2006. Then repeat installation from janainst.msi.
Common troubleshooting for UNIX.
Make sure SDK for X11 is installed, in most Linux distributions
only run-time libraries are present by default. The installed Jana
executable cannot be moved from the default installation directory
jana2000 without special arrangements.
Installation of Jana for Windows |
Installation of Jana for Mac OS X (both slightly outdated)
External Programs
Main parts of Jana are our own computer code. For some special functionalities
Jana can call external programs. Some of them are distributed with Jana, the others must be
downloaded from their web pages. The configuration of external programs is done through Tools -> Preferences.
Program | Description | www |
Superflip | Program for solving structures by charge flipping. Distributed with Jana and immediately available. | |
MCE | Program for electron densities visualization. Distributed with Jana, available after defining the path in Tools->Preferences->3d map visualization. | |
VESTA | Program for electron densities visualization. Available after download, installation and defining the path in Tools->Preferences->3d map visualization. | |
SIR97, SIR2002, SIR2004 | Program for solving structures by direct methods from single crystal diffraction data. Available after download, installation and defining the path in Tools->Preferences. | |
EXPO, EXPO2004 | Program for solving structures by direct methods from powder diffraction data. Available after download, installation and defining the path in Tools->Preferences. | |
graphic viewer | Programs for plotting crystal structures. It can be any program accepting CIF as an input in command line, for instance Diamond, Atoms, Platon. Available after download, installation and defining the path in Tools->Preferences->Graphic viewer. | many possibilities |
Versions & Roadmap
July 22, 2008
The first
version of Jana2006 for Windows.
New features comparing with Jana2000:
- Combines data regardless to wavelength, radiation type (X-rays,synchrotron, neutrons) and diffraction type (single crystals, powder)
- Integrates the charge flipping program Superflip
- Powders: offers Fundamental approach for profile parameters, works with TOF data
- Special functions: uses Legendre polynomials, no orthogonalization procedure needed
- Automatic recovering from singular points
- Support for magnetic structures, simultaneous refinement of magnetic and nuclear structure
- Many changes in graphic interface, especially in fonts; improvement of most tools; more powerful Wizards
- Better support for standard structures, CIF editor
- Program has been rewritten in Fortran95, dynamical allocation of memory reduces memory requirements
- Finishing manual and porting to Unix
- Finishing magnetic structures
- Polishing all features
- Starting development of beta version Jana2012 with completely new interface
Motto: make simple tasks automatically and complicated tasks simply
Visualization of Fourier maps with OpenDx (Outdated, for Jana2000)
Introduction to powder refinement (Outdated, for Jana2000)
SSH slows down the performance of Jana
Compiler g77 for Linux (Outdated, for Jana2000)
Introduction to powder refinement (Outdated, for Jana2000)
SSH slows down the performance of Jana
Compiler g77 for Linux (Outdated, for Jana2000)
Ad hoc workshops on Jana
Ad hoc workshops are small two days workshops organized in Praha by authors of Jana software.
As soon as five people register for one or more topics listed below and some overlap in topics is found
we shall create program of the
workshop and discuss it with the participants. Then we shall fix the date of the workshop and arrange accomodation.
Registration to a workshop with fixed program and/or date is possible for another five participants.
Participants pay themselves all their expenses and they are expected to bring their own laptops with
The registration fee is zero (in Czech Crowns). Workshop certificates
are issued by our skilled artists on demand.
- (INT1) Introduction to Jana software, solution of simple 3d structures
- (INT2) Introduction to modulated structures, solution of simple 4d structures
- (PWD) Refinement of powder data
- (TW) Twins and multiphases of 3d and modulated structures
- (CHF) Application of charge flipping to 3d and modulated structures
- (DIS) Disorder, mixed sites, application of rigid body refinement for disordered structures
- (RIG) Rigid body refinement and application of local symmetry
- (CRENEL) Discontinuous modulation functions (crenel and sawtooth)
- (COMM) Commensurate structures
- (COMP) Composite structures (i.e. samples with two coexisting lattices)
- (FIVE) Five dimensional structures
- (MAG) Magnetic structures
- (ELD) Electron diffraction
- any other topic (please specify)
By e-mail to Michal Dusek ( with list of selected topics, rated by importance.
Although the workshop can only have four topics (one topic takes 1/2 of day) the number of
selected topics can be higher, it helps finding overlaps. Please indicate if you have already
experience with Jana software. New users should select the topic "INT1". For new users of Jana
it is also possible to do INT1 as a homework and participate in a more advanced workshop (INT1
cookbook will be sent by e-mail on request).
1st Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed.
2nd Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed.
3rd Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed.
4th Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed.
5th Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed.
6th Jana2006 ad hoc workshop.
Status: Passed.
7th Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed
8th Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed
9th Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Status: Passed
10th Jana2006 ad hoc workshop
Two days in December 2011, registration is open.
FUTURE jana2006 ad hoc workshops
This link serves for collecting requirements for future Jana2006 Ad Hoc workshops.
As soon as an overlap in topics is found a new Ad Hoc Workshop is organized.
Citation & support
Petricek,V., Dusek,M. & Palatinus,L.(2006). Jana2006.
The crystallographic computing system. Institute of Physics, Praha, Czech Republic.
Development of Jana is continuously supported by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Thanks to this support we can make the
program freely available to everybody.
Contact Us
Program development is not possible without user feedback and interaction. Please contact us
with bug reports, feature suggestions and structure determination difficulties. We also provide
measurement of interesting samples in
our laboratory.
Vaclav Petricek | Michal Dusek | Lukas Palatinus | | | |
Main developer | Unix, manuals, web, features design |
Charge flipping, MacOSX |
Address: Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnicka 10, 16253 Praha, Czech Republic