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4 Mar 17 - 18 Apr 19
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Šobotník J., Bourguignon T., Hanus R., Demianová Z., Pytelková J., Mareš M., Foltýnová P., Preisler J., Cvačka J., Krasulová J., Roisin Y., Bourguignon T., Roisin Y., Lacey M.J., Sillam-Dusses D.:
Explosive Backpacks in Old Termite Workers.
Science 337 (6093): 436 , 2012.

Urbanová K., Vrkoslav V., Valterová I., Háková M., Cvačka J.:
Structural characterization of wax esters by electron ionization mass spectrometry.
Journal of Lipid Reseach 53 (1): 204-213, 2012.

Maletínská L., Pychová M., Holubová M., Blechová M., Demianová Z., Elbert T., Železná B.:
Characterization of New Stable Ghrelin Analogs with Long-lasting Orexigenic Potency.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 340 (3): 781-786, 2012.

Sillam-Dusses D., Krasulová J., Vrkoslav V., Pytelková J., Cvačka J., Kutalová K., Bourguignon T., Miura T., Šobotník J.:
Comparative Study of the Labial Gland Secretion in Termites (Isoptera).
PLoS ONE 7: e4643, 2012.

Vrkoslav V., Cvačka J.:
Identification of the double-bond position in fatty acid methyl esters by liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry.
Journal of Chromatography A 1259: 244-250, 2012.

Mládkova.J., Vaněk V., Buděšinský M., Elbert T., Demianová Z., Garrow T. A., Jiráček J.:
Double-Headed Sulfur-Linked Amino Acids As First Inhibitors for Betaine-Homocysteine S-Methyltransferase 2.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 55: 6822-6831, 2012.

Šanda M., Žáček P., Streinz L., Dračínský M., Koutek B.:
Profiling and characterization of volatile secretions from the European stink bug Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) by two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
Journal of Chromatography B 881-882: 69–75, 2012.

Hanus R., Šobotník J., Krasulová J., Jiroš P., Žáček P., Kalinová B., Dolejšová K., Cvačka J., Bourguignon T., Roisin Y., Lacey M.J., Sillam-Dusses D.:
Nonadecadienone, a New Termite Trail-Following Pheromone Identified in Glossotermes oculatus (Serritermitidae).
Chemical Senses 37 (1): 55-63, 2012.

Skalický M, Skalická V., Paterová J., Rybáčková M., Kvíčalová M., Cvačka J., Březinová A., Kvíčala J.:
Ag Complexes of NHC Ligands Bearing Polyfluoroalkyl and/or Polyfluoropolyalkoxy Ponytails. Why Are Polyethers More Fluorous Than Alkyls?
Organometallics 31 (4): 1524-1532, 2012.

Zábranská M., Vrkoslav V., Sobotníková J., Cvačka J.:
Analysis of plant galactolipids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry with accurate mass measurement.
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 165 (5): 601-607, 2012.

Vida N., Svobodová H., Rárová L., Drašar P., Šaman D., Cvačka J., Wimmera Z.:
Polyamine conjugates of stigmasterol.:
Steroids 77 (12): 1212-1218, 2012.

Acikara Ö. B., Çitoglu G.S, Dall'Acqua S., Šmejkal K., Cvačka J., Žemlička M.:
A new triterpene from Scorzonera latifolia (Fisch. and Mey.)DC.
Natural Product Reseach 26 (20): 1892-1897, 2012.

Jarau S., Žáček P., Šobotník J., Vrkoslav V., Hadravová R., Coppée A., Vašíčková S., Jiroš P., Valterová I.:
Leg tendon glands in male bumblebees (Bombus terrestris): structure, secretion chemistry, and possible functions.
Naturwissenschaften 99 (12): 1039–1049, 2012.

Pytelková J., Lepšík M., Šanda M., Talacko P., Marešová L., Mareš M.:
Enzymatic activity and immunoreactivity of Aca s 4, an alpha-amylase allergen from the storage mite Acarus siro.
BMC Biochemistry 13 (3): 1-8, 2012.

Cvačka J., Jiroš P., Kalinová B., Straka J., Černá K., Šebesta P., Tomčala A., Vašíčková S., Jahn U., Šobotník J.:
Stylopsal: The First Identified Female-produced Sex Pheromone of Strepsiptera.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 38 (12): 1483-1491, 2012.

Procházková E., Jansa P., Březinová A., Čechová L., Mertlíková-Kaiserová H., Holý A., Dračínský M.:
Compound instability in dimethyl sulphoxide, case studies with 5-aminopyrimidines and the implications for compound storage and screening.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 22 (20): 6405-6409, 2012.

Blechova M., Nagelova V., Demianova Z., Zelezna B., Maletinska L. P:
Structure-activity relationship of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) by peptide analogs: Importance of disulfide bridges.
Journal of Peptide Science 18 (1): S89-S90, 2012.