While several social movements have contributed to social change in Europe during the last four decades, the goal of FEMCIT is to investigate the role of women’s movements in these transformative processes. FEMCIT will explore the relationship between the changing forms and practices of gendered citizenship in a multicultural Europe, and the demands and practices which have emerged from contemporary women’s movements. We will study how different and changing notions and practices of citizenship relate to gender issues in Europe’s multicultural context, and explores their implications for policies.
FEMCIT sees citizenship as rights and responsibilities, routes to political access, economic participation as well as feelings and practices of social and cultural belonging, and will address all of these aspects of citizenship. FEMCIT understand the promotion of full citizenship as involving both redistributive and recognitional policies and interventions. Women’s full citizenship requires policies and interventions which address both redistribution and recognition - the redistribution of material, economic and political resources, and the cultural and social transformation of gender itself (Fraser, 1997). Citizenship will be conceptualized and researched in this IP as encompassing the gender-relevant dimensions of the relations between individuals and the institutions of national and EU governance – political, social and economic - that may differentially interact with women’s and men’s participation and engagement in political and civil life. The concept of “citizenship” will be operationalised in terms of the following inter-related dimensions, integrating multicultural issues into all of them:
1) Political citizenship (democratic participation/representation)
2) Social citizenship (family policy, child care)
3) Economic citizenship (work, access to and equality in employment)
4) Ethnic and religious citizenship (minority/majority feminism & racism, gender equality and religion)
5) Bodily and sexual citizenship (control over the body (reproductive rights) and sexuality (sexual violence)
6) Intimate citizenship (new family formations and transformations of intimate life)
Main coordinator: Tone Hellesund, University of Bergen
Coordinator of Czech research team: Hana Hašková, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
See www.femcit.org
To download click on the picture.
Press and Publications Department
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email: prodej@soc.cas.cz
Project publications (total 4, displaying 1 - 4)
The book deals with the development of politics of abortion in the Czech Republic since 1957. Based on the research of discourses and institutions of abortion it develops the aproach of discursive institutionalism. The politics of abortion are analysed as specific socialist governmentalities, existing during the communist regime.
The critical attention feminists have paid to the concept of citizenship has significantly contributed to the con¬temporary political imagination of citizenship.
Authors examine insti¬tutional contexts, ideologies and practices that have sha¬ped citizenship of women in various socio-economic, ethnic and national groups in Czech society since 1940s. They challenge static descriptions of gender relations in the communist societies in Europe. The continuity of discourse, practices, and institutions before and after 1989 is highlighted, de¬monstrating how difficult it is for cultural and institutional changes to take place.
The authors argue that the recognition of care and carers in society requires rethinking of the citizenship paradigm focused on paid work and ideal of the independent individual. The obstacles for gender equity are addressed by examining the social organisation of childcare as a paradigmatic example of male (and also ethnic and class) bias in the construction of social citizenship as it is applied in most European states.